Guess what I am Doing :/... Laundry huzzah! Bummer.. Well sort of. Doing laundry I this oven of a room gives me time to do a bit of blogging(not like many people read this thing anyways.) so lets get started shall we
I'll spare the awful details I would be giving about how modern came to be and just start by saying is quite possibly the greatest thing wotc has done for magic in years. As a player hat wants to get into legacy but is slighty hesitant about making the plunge, modern is the perfect half way mark. I can almost play every card I love and i don't have to worry about any little surprises that I never grew up with like carpet of flowers from Gerryt or horn of greed from ali aintrazi... Look it up people. But instead I get to play from mirrodin to now and ive played everything except kamigawa and mirrodin, affinity made me rage quit. Another thing about modern is that i get to play from the beginning. Like the players from the very beginning of legacy I get to see the very first decks that make an impact on the format. I get to see decks that make thier marks and I get to watch people try to crush them. And I have to say I am pretty excited about this whole new world of modern. So excited that I pretty much put standard, a format that I adore no matter how many mystics and jaces' were in play, completely aside and have started brewing and thinking about modern nonstop.
There are 3 reasons I have decided to write about modern today. 1. I am super pumped to play the format. 2. I am doing laundry and 3. If you having been Reading my tweets lately, then your missing out on my tweets about incontention. Not only is it a super solid cast but since modern was announced, they have put out amazing modern content. You could even say that it might be the best modern content out there right now. Sure Gavin is putting out lists, yo mtg taps touched on it a bit, several sites have people speculating on the format but incontention is the beat by far. So what I am going to do is give my top 5 modern cards. they are going to be random and probably very rougeish but its something different and i want people to be aware of such cards. get them out there ya know. :)
First card on my list is no surprise (LSV throw) dark confidant. Obvi dark confidant is going to be one of the hot cards in modern and has been mentioned by every under the sun. I have recently see it's power in legacy and vintage and have heard from several people that it is the Beat creature ever printed and i am starting to agree. Bob is easily splashable and can start the beats on slow control decks. While a deck will suffer for playing high casting cost cards, just drawing one more card than your opponent a turn from turn three will drown your opponent. Not only will your opponent be behind in card advantage, it your able to draw answers while your opponent struggles to catch up, your able to find yours sooner and end them quickly. I want to long out that while top is banned in modern, there are plenty of cards in modern that can help you avoid takin damage a an alarming rate. Here are plenty of scry cards so you shouldn't be afraid to play confidant. While he doesn't have a home in modern yet, his casting cost and the incredible mana fixing in modern allows you to splash him in everything.
Next on the next cards on the list are almost the same card (LSV throw) demonfire and banefire. Ink ow it's odd to see two burn spells on a top list but these two are special. You see when you tap 5 or more your able to have these two spells be uncounterable. Now if you look at some of the current lists out there you will see that Urza tron and cloudpost decks are decks that people feel are going to do well in the modern format. That's great and all but when you have those two cards pyromancer swath and ramp, you can burn alot of faces off. I mentioned this idea a while ago for legacy but I never took that anywhere. I think but is a legit contender despite it's failure in the past and i am curious why players that enjoy ramp/burn decks havent tried to build something like this. A Red splashing Green for ramp would fit nicely
Here's one cars that has been showing up in multiple formats (LSV throw) green sun zenith. While green sun is limited to fetching thruns and durgroves in standard and dryad arbors in legacy, there are tons of weapons to find in modern. Bloodbraids, kodama of east and west, finks, loxeodon hierach, chameleon colossus, both baloths, horde of notions! Beats people... beats. Greens doing somethin that green does beast and that's find the creatures hat beat the shit out of your opponent. Tutors are very powerful and this is just another one.
i am running (LSV throw) Blood Moons in my Thats no Moon deck for Modern. i love this card because it disrupts multiple decks mana base and gives you the upper hand from turn 2 forward. i rate it higher than Magus of the moon becuase you can just Path, Dismember or bolt of some kind him away while there are few answers to Blood moon in the format that are actually being played. i would like to go more into it...but thats my strat and its a huge part of my deck.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
No more cawblade
Pretty sure I am done playing cawblade. It's week 3 of playing the deck and while week 2 was enjoyable, the 3rd has been awful. Draw swords? What swords. Play hawks? There are hawks in cawblade? You need a finisher? You have finishers in the deck? I drew nothing. Like nothing nothing. Last night against valakut, i drew land after land after land. No preordains, no counter magic nothing. Like what the fuck. I see how this deck falls to ub control but I fail to see how it beats everything else. But I do think Gideon has a lot to do with this deck being good.
Yeah so that happened... Oh and some guy that was playing some shitty fling deck was trying to convince me that the current standard format is the least diverse standard of all time and that you can't play anything because cawblade beats everything... Then I pointed outrush you could infact play an illusions deck or eldrazi green or
Mono red or tempered steel etc etc then he started telling me how hard it is to play an illusions deck without telling me what's difficult about playing the deck! The he started telling me about lorywn standard and how awesome that standard deck was and he didn't even know half the decks i was talking about... What's wrong with people...
Also, sorry medina this isn't the post I was going to write for you. I had a bunch of audio notes and it didn't save them so I have to try to remember everything I recorded.
Yeah so that happened... Oh and some guy that was playing some shitty fling deck was trying to convince me that the current standard format is the least diverse standard of all time and that you can't play anything because cawblade beats everything... Then I pointed outrush you could infact play an illusions deck or eldrazi green or
Mono red or tempered steel etc etc then he started telling me how hard it is to play an illusions deck without telling me what's difficult about playing the deck! The he started telling me about lorywn standard and how awesome that standard deck was and he didn't even know half the decks i was talking about... What's wrong with people...
Also, sorry medina this isn't the post I was going to write for you. I had a bunch of audio notes and it didn't save them so I have to try to remember everything I recorded.
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