I had a similar concept during Shards Block where i would just throw out an Emerkul at the end of my opponents turn and yeah sometimes it wasnt an Emerkul but it was a Terastodon or Pekkula Wurm. Whatever it was, it was a fat creature and it would always present an issue for the dominant Jund deck at the time And now is no different.
there are tons of decks that take off from the beginning of the match and most games end between around turn 3-5 in Modern so why not be one of those decks that races out of the gates. With this deck you have a few options, you can A. summoning trap a fatty into play after they attempt to Remand or Cryptic one of your spells B.Turn 3 Dramatic Entrance a Progenitus into play using Radha during combat phase C. Ramp into either Dramatic Entrance or Summoning Trap or Elvish Piper to get your fatties out. There are plenty of lines you can take with the deck.
and yeah there are tons of things i still need to add to the deck, Obviously Emerkul and Stomping grounds seem like a good idea. the mana for the deck isnt the best at this point but it still produces positive results and can get those kills when you need them to. Temple of Abandon does a lot of work for the deck, so while it looks like it can be slow, at some points its ok because it lets you look past the bad stuff and put it on the bottom.
ill probably have more in the next few weeks as i am going to put more time and cards into the deck, so we will see what happens.
3 Elvish mystic
2 Llanowar elves
2 Elvish Piper
2 Arc Trail
4 Explore
4 Time of Need
1 Manamorphose
3 Radha, Heir to Keld
3 Dramatic Enterence
4 Thragtusk
4 Summoning Trap
1 Ruric Thar, the Unbowed
3 Progentitus
3 Copperline Gorge
4 Karplusan Forest
4 Rootbound Crag
4 Temple of Abandon
2 Mountain
4 Forest
2 Kessig Wolf Run
1 Skarrg, the Rage Pits.
2 Anger of the Gods
2 Blastphomus Act
2 Boil
3 Char
1 Dramatic Enterance
3 Eyes of the Wisent
1 Ruric Thar, the Unbowed
1 Terastodon