Wednesday, August 3, 2016


This is the werewolves deck that i have been playing with the last few days. Right off the bat you will see that i am playing with 4 copies of the Meld card Hanwier Garrison and its a good thing I do bc it adds tons of power to the deck. its like a mini hero of bladehold that gets bigger if it survives until you meld it. Playing the deck is solid but it feels like its missing 2-3 cards and one of this might be Collected company, go fucking figure. i also think that perhaps adding Collective Defiance will give the deck a little more reach. The spot removal and player damage is valuable when you cant quite get there with creature damage but at this point in time you dont really have that problem.i have had turn 4 and turn 5 wins with lots of damage going through.
Arlin hasnt proved herself as much as i thought she would have but then again the games end so fast that she hasnt really gotten a chance to shine. Maybe shes a win more, maybe shes a dud, ill find out when i add one more copy to the deck. Ulrich has been more hit than miss. hes usually the nail in the coffin by adding the +4/+4. At the same time when i have gotten him to transform, its been mediocre at best as i have been wanting a creature thats uncontested to be bigger than a 6/6. if you are going to be uncontested at least have first strike or trample...something. i had to trick my opponent into blocking with his Dromoka just to be able to fight
There are 3 all stars so far with the deck that arent Garrison or Ulrich
1. Incendiary Flow.
yeah we needed this spell, unfortunatly its a sorcery speed but i will take it. I have won a bunch of games with three to the face thanks to this card. Totally happy that this was printed and i am looking forward to burning shit in standard.
2.Spirit of the Hunt
Great card, Gnarled Mass at instant speed that saves your crew from languish, Radiant Flames and Flaying Tendrils. And while you are able to save your team from board sweepers..kinda of, you are also able to stop Grasp of Darkness, Incendiary flow and most of the 2-3 damage spells in standard right now. The 3/3 body is awesome as well as the flash addition to the card. if you play Wolves, you have to play this card with it.
3.Geier Reach Bandit
the real threat from this card is the haste aspect. against control decks, they have nothing on you, you get you 3 in, if you are luck you can transform him and start hitting for 4. turn five with Ulrich is savage as you get to pump and transform clearing the way for lots of damage and at that point you should be close to closing out the game.
The deck seems solid, like i said, its probably missing a few cards, Sylvan advocate, Collective Defiance and something else...but im not sure what. I have beating almost every match up but company and thats because i havent played against it. honestly the grindiest game i have had is against the new burn deck and thats only becuase of the 0/3 ping guy. against humans you have enough firepower to kill their good stuff and you can out scale them with transforming AND spirit of the hunt is invaluable in that match up. they want to trade in thier favor and end up losing more than theyd like leaving you with more creatures on boad

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