Monday, October 24, 2011


So willieg what have you been doing?
Well lately I have been playing alot of league of legends. Like alot. Before innistrad I just kinda gave up on standard and was just making joke decks. Then when innistrad came out I started brewing like crazy. At one point I had something like 4 decks? It was good and finding a deck that i have fun with is what is important to me and I'm pretty sure I built something serious and very competitive.
Hmmm I was also considering doing a podcast with one of my friends and it seemed to be a solid idea because of the lack of casts on the west coast but he decided that his band was going to play more shows so he decided to do that instead, no biggy.
Well what's the deck willieg?
Well the deck is a UG control kind of deck. It uses viridian emissaries and mayors of avabruck to apply early pressure while your able to protect them with counter magi. Late game, if it get there, frost Titan, wurmcoil and metamorphs finish the game. If mayor of avabruck stays in play, he applies enough pressure to win you the game as mist decks in the format are numb to armies of 3/3s. I took this to fnm and went 3-1 with it and while I beat wolf run, uw control and infect I couldn't race the mill deck and fell in the last round. The deck is something like
4 mayors
4 emissaries
2 wurmcoil
2 metamorph
1 frost titan
2 acidic slime

4think twice
4 mana leak
3 ponder
2 forbidden alchemy
2 shrine if piercing vision
2 garruk relentless
2 dissipates
2 negates

The sideboard has changed alot so there's nothing concrete yet

That's pretty much the deck.

So you still listen to podcasts? You luh da podcasts.
Well yes and no. I love incontention cast. I don't know why i haven't been listening longer. They have fun they break down decks they give well thought out opinions, it's great. Untapped is dead unfortunately. I love the cast and those guys but it's dead. I don't listen to the eh team anymore and I was actually going to give them a shot again but I found out that Jesse is too busy to cast so I decided to not waste my time. Jesse actually helps drive me to build stronger rouge builds and without him on the cast it's just commander, joke plugs about other podcasts and... Scotty Mac doing his thing. Much love to scotty Mac. And know what fuck yourself kyt... Hi jay :) I just started listening to the bridge as I love drunk banter and small amounts of mtg talk in-between. And obv I listen to top8 magic cast. I listen to thier cast at least three times and they have a shit Ton of fantastic things to say. People may not like mike (eat shit dbags) but the man knows his stuff.
So what is willieg going to do now?
Honestly I don't know. I was going to shut this blog down cuz honestly, nobody reads this. It's random unedited there's swearing and I'm not a pro player. If I'm not a pro giblving out decklists, I get a lot less attention. Now for the people that actually read my blog, thank you and I'm not going to shut it down. I was actually considering switching to wordpress but I will probably keep this and wordpress something else.
Ummm for a bit I really wanted to do something like frank lepore does for tcgplayer and dm'ed him of twitter but I think he thought I was trolling him. Which kinda sucks cuz I could have used his advice. Maybe I'll ask trick when we hang out at worlds :D
I think that's about it for now. If i think of anything else I'll just put a part to up oh oh wait everyone remember when Medina top 8'd? Big ups to medina!
Oh oh wait... Remember when other Flores was winning with caw blade? Not so easy now is it? I hear yugimon is still awesome :)

Later peoples

Thursday, September 22, 2011

innistrad top 5s...briefly

angelic overseer
humans are in in M12 and there are plenty in Innistrad. Its a solid 5/3 body at a reasonable cost. Its ability is what really puts it over the top. As if Indestructible wasn’t enough, they gave it hexproof so killing it and bouncing it aren’t going to be enough. The Angel forces the opponent to kill every other human on board while it lays the beats

sleeper pic is Champion of the Parish
with so many white humans in this set and Grand Abolisher, Mesa enchantress, Azure mage etc etc from M12, its kind of hard not to see a Fish deck or a White Weenie deck come out of Innistrad. Dropping the Champion on turn 1 is one of the best things your going to be able to do in innistrad

Fiend Hunter
its great creature removal. This 3 toughness is what gives it the edge and again, its going to have a home in a White Weenie deck or Fish deck.

Mikaeus the luminarch
Luminarch is a solid finisher for white. It pumps itself and other creatures and when dropped late game, hes just a beast. Now your 1/1 tokens you play late game can grow and put on the pressure to your opponent.

midnight haunting
its no spectral procession. And its only going to give you 2 guys instead of 3 but I think you can play it at instant speed makes up for the 1 missing spirit. Its only 1 white source so its splashable in other decks. Should see play in standard.

If Standard sees more Vamps, Wolfs and Zombie decks then Inquisitor will see heavy play. I am hesitant to actually pic these up because if no decks use any of those types, then the card is dead. I am also on the edge about Nevermore. We've had Meddling mage in Shards and it really didn’t do much. And Stoney Silence is something I am keeping my eye out for. People see to think its going to shut down most of the decks that use cards from SoM but Stoney is like Torpor orb, its great when you need it and its terrible when you don’t.

Snapcaster mage
do I really need to say much about this card that hasn’t already been said. Its great. Bring back ponder, mana leak, day of judgment, doomblade, the list can go on forever. Its surprising that its not a mythic. Probably the best card in the set if Liliana doesn’t pan out.

Graveyard denial is going to be critical. The large building group I am in is heavily considering a Reanimator style deck and need need need snapcaster to flashback spells. Countering and removing critical cards shuts down the deck for the most part and I see that everyone is very excited to play flashback again so dissipate is great. Plus, people are wondering what counters are playable and Dissipate is going to be a great tool in control decks

invisible stalker
when I first saw this card I automatically said this would be caws blades squad hawk replacement. I also want to point out that I didn’t see that this card had Hexproof, which makes this card perfect for holding a sword.

think twice
instant draw a card and with flash back. We've all seen how good this card was in Time Spiral and its no different now except that Ponder is here. I would just use maybe a 2-3 of Think twice and full set of ponders. Still a good card no doubt

kind of remind of me of Aeon Chronicler. Its flies, its X/X is the cards in hand. I like the draw a card when damaged thing. Solid finisher in a WU control deck and even a UB control deck. The only issue that this card might have to face is Consecrated Sphinx as the Sphinx might be a little better because you draw when your opponent draws, the Giest has to deal the damage.

I am on the Edge about Mindshrieker only because if you invest in the ability and you hit a land then your out 2 mana and its just a 1/1 flier. Its also kind of fragile and dies to everythinghink Skaab Ruinator is just bad. The creature itself is great as a 5/6 flier. Dodges Dismembers and that’s great but it forces you to play a creature deck if your not playing a Pod deck with him in it. And its 3 creatures to get him in to play, that’s a lot of creatures you need to be dead. And I think spectral flight is great. Flying and +2/+2 for 2, seems great to me.

bloodgift demon
black loses Sign in blood with rotation and is looking to pick something up in the way of card draw. While this source of card draw is on a 5/4 body that flies, its one of the more effective card drawing abilities. 1 life for 1 card is great as we all saw in Phyrexian arena but how good is this ability going to be in later in the game when you drop him on turn 5? I love this card but I question how good its going to be as people put decks together.

diregraf ghoul
2/2 for 1 with a small draw back. Its aggressive, it stops early transforming cards and unlike most early drop black creatures, this one can actually block. This will definitely be on people radars when building black decks
Liliana of the Veil
same deal at snapcaster. This card is going to be huge in the coming months. The Edict ability is great and I don’t really see myself casting the ult ability unless its late game against a control mirror. I would rather be killing off creature and taking apart their hand. And like I said earlier, if Vess finds the right home to shine in, she'll be the best card in the set.

unburial rites
everyone popped boner when this card was revealed and its going to be great to try to build with. We haven’t gotten a solid reanimator card in standard in some time and this one has flashback which only makes it better.

bump in the night
add some red burn and you have a heavy burn deck that someone is going to try to make. We lost bolt and gained Bump and while you cant target creatures, you do get to play it again for a total of 6 damage for 1 card.

Finding the top 5 cards in this color was kind of a challenge as most of the cards in black are good and if this morbid mechanic is good, then a bunch of these cards become great. Personally I think the mechanic is awful and wont be used as much. Its like the metalcraft of this set, people will dabble but not fully commit. I also really wanted to put either Tribute to hunger or victim of night but if creature decks are everywhere than Tribute is bad and if Vamps, Wolves and Zombies are everywhere then Night is bad. So I just left them both off the list. I think heartless summoning is a trap as you no longer get to drop useful x/1's anymore Snapcaster, Azure mages. And weakening your creatures just seems like a bad idea. Bloodline Keeper is a great card when you have the right amount of Vamps in play and you really need to flip him ASAP. And I personally like curse of deaths hold as it hoses the creature builds.

Desperate ravings
instant speed card draw in red is a great thing. Its got flashback which makes it better.

Firebolt saw play back in odyssey and Geistflame will see play with Innistrad. The toughness of creatures seems to have gone down a bit so there are plenty of targets and at instant speed, getting that last bit of damage is always important

reckless waif
someone said Wild Nactal is back so we will have to see about that. A 1 drop Double Face card is pretty cool too.

kruin outlaw
I really like this card as it gives your wolves double strike and they must have more than one guy to block you.
ancient grudge
artifact destruction in R with flashback of G. its cheap, instant and does the job right...twice

I don’t have much to say about red obviously. Red in Innistrad just compliments the red in SoM block. I even told a few people that red is now a powerful color with the addition of a draw card and the potential Demigod of Revenge card, Falkenrath Marauders.

Mayor of Avabruk
the WereWolf Lord, decent body, makes a dude, pumps other werewolves. Seems like the backbone of an aggro wolf deck. And even when hes a human he pumps the other humans as well.

more permanent destruction for green.

moon mist
if there is going to be a wolf deck, that deck should probably have this in it to EoT transform.

creeping renaissance
creature artifacts w/e, just bring them back. And with all the potential mill decks,this card should probably be in green sideboards.
Again, haven’t really looked in to green much.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


planning on getting those. and i dont mind dropping 200 on a set of headphones, i really dont. it something that i have worked hard for and i need an upgrade :]

Monday, September 5, 2011

Part 2 of crazy talk... Sigh

I am just going to come out an say it.part 2 fucking sucked. There was absolutely no reason to split the episode into two parts. All of the build up was in part 1 with the cheating scandal and was just brought all the way down to just boring as fuck after the switch to modern talk. I really did think there was more to say about Alex but apparently that was it. People complain about cast length? So fuckin what, congrats on giving in kyt, I can only assume your the reason the cast was cut in 2. And while medinas star power was able to keep this cast somewhat afloat, the lack of frank input kept it from being a very good part to. More frank means more frank please. Hey and Alex was there :) alOng with kyts laughing at everything schtick, that shit is annoying man. Input, try giving it sometime
As much as I love crazy talk, I didn't love this episode

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Congrats to the Eh team

congrats to the Eh Team for making it to 50 casts. it was obvious that they were going to make it to 50 and there is no doubt that they will make it 100 and beyond. they do a great thing for the community by providing a fantastic podcast. so i want to say thanks. thanks for letting me be a part of early life of the Eh team, thanks for being such great guys and thanks for continuing to give everyone a great cast. Happy 50th guys, keep up the great work...except for the commander casts, those sucked :]

UW contrololololol

2 azure mage
2 grand abolisher
1 sun titan
2 phyrexian metamorph
2 emeria angel
3 Solemn

2 day of judgment
3 oblivion ring
4 preordian
4 mana leak
2 mental misstep
1 Gideon Jura
1 Karn
1 into the roil
1 psychic barrier
2 dismember
1 jace's ingenuity

this is the deck that i used last night. i wanted to play an alternative to Caws so i used that mages and abolishers, they were fucking great.
as powerful as karn is, he doesnt end games and i might switch him out for another gideon or sun titan.
 Abolisher is amazing. azure mage is amazing, they should have no problem picking up the slack for Squad Hawks...
and there is a white sun zenith in the board and Solemns make casting the Zenith a lot more fun.
also considering putting 2 swords in the board..
and man are the UW control mirrors a bitch or what. i was to close to time all evening

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Laundry and my modern top 5

Guess what I am Doing :/... Laundry huzzah! Bummer.. Well sort of. Doing laundry I this oven of a room gives me time to do a bit of blogging(not like many people read this thing anyways.) so lets get started shall we
I'll spare the awful details I would be giving about how modern came to be and just start by saying is quite possibly the greatest thing wotc has done for magic in years. As a player hat wants to get into legacy but is slighty hesitant about making the plunge, modern is the perfect half way mark. I can almost play every card I love and i don't have to worry about any little surprises that I never grew up with like carpet of flowers from Gerryt or horn of greed from ali aintrazi... Look it up people. But instead I get to play from mirrodin to now and ive played everything except kamigawa and mirrodin, affinity made me rage quit. Another thing about modern is that i get to play from the beginning. Like the players from the very beginning of legacy I get to see the very first decks that make an impact on the format. I get to see decks that make thier marks and I get to watch people try to crush them. And I have to say I am pretty excited about this whole new world of modern. So excited that I pretty much put standard, a format that I adore no matter how many mystics and jaces' were in play, completely aside and have started brewing and thinking about modern nonstop.
There are 3 reasons I have decided to write about modern today. 1. I am super pumped to play the format. 2. I am doing laundry and 3. If you having been Reading my tweets lately, then your missing out on my tweets about incontention. Not only is it a super solid cast but since modern was announced, they have put out amazing modern content. You could even say that it might be the best modern content out there right now. Sure Gavin is putting out lists, yo mtg taps touched on it a bit, several sites have people speculating on the format but incontention is the beat by far. So what I am going to do is give my top 5 modern cards. they are going to be random and probably very rougeish but its something different and i want people to be aware of such cards. get them out there ya know. :)

First card on my list is no surprise (LSV throw) dark confidant. Obvi dark confidant is going to be one of the hot cards in modern and has been mentioned by every under the sun. I have recently see it's power in legacy and vintage and have heard from several people that it is the Beat creature ever printed and i am starting to agree. Bob is easily splashable and can start the beats on slow control decks. While a deck will suffer for playing high casting cost cards, just drawing one more card than your opponent a turn from turn three will drown your opponent. Not only will your opponent be behind in card advantage, it your able to draw answers while your opponent struggles to catch up, your able to find yours sooner and end them quickly. I want to long out that while top is banned in modern, there are plenty of cards in modern that can help you avoid takin damage a an alarming rate. Here are plenty of scry cards so you shouldn't be afraid to play confidant. While he doesn't have a home in modern yet, his casting cost and the incredible mana fixing in modern allows you to splash him in everything.

Next on the next cards on the list are almost the same card (LSV throw) demonfire and banefire. Ink ow it's odd to see two burn spells on a top list but these two are special. You see when you tap 5 or more your able to have these two spells be uncounterable. Now if you look at some of the current lists out there you will see that Urza tron and cloudpost decks are decks that people feel are going to do well in the modern format. That's great and all but when you have those two cards pyromancer swath and ramp, you can burn alot of faces off. I mentioned this idea a while ago for legacy but I never took that anywhere. I think but is a legit contender despite it's failure in the past and i am curious why players that enjoy ramp/burn decks havent tried to build something like this. A Red splashing Green for ramp would fit nicely

Here's one cars that has been showing up in multiple formats (LSV throw) green sun zenith. While green sun is limited to fetching thruns and durgroves in standard and dryad arbors in legacy, there are tons of weapons to find in modern. Bloodbraids, kodama of east and west, finks, loxeodon hierach, chameleon colossus, both baloths, horde of notions! Beats people... beats. Greens doing somethin that green does beast and that's find the creatures hat beat the shit out of your opponent. Tutors are very powerful and this is just another one.

i am running (LSV throw) Blood Moons in my Thats no Moon deck for Modern. i love this card because it disrupts multiple decks mana base and gives you the upper hand from turn 2 forward. i rate it higher than Magus of the moon becuase you can just Path, Dismember or bolt of some kind him away while there are few answers to Blood moon in the format that are actually being played. i would like to go more into it...but thats my strat and its a huge part of my deck.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

No more cawblade

Pretty sure I am done playing cawblade. It's week 3 of playing the deck and while week 2 was enjoyable, the 3rd has been awful. Draw swords? What swords. Play hawks? There are hawks in cawblade? You need a finisher? You have finishers in the deck? I drew nothing. Like nothing nothing. Last night against valakut, i drew land after land after land. No preordains, no counter magic nothing. Like what the fuck. I see how this deck falls to ub control but I fail to see how it beats everything else. But I do think Gideon has a lot to do with this deck being good.
Yeah so that happened... Oh and some guy that was playing some shitty fling deck was trying to convince me that the current standard format is the least diverse standard of all time and that you can't play anything because cawblade beats everything... Then I pointed outrush you could infact play an illusions deck or eldrazi green or
Mono red or tempered steel etc etc then he started telling me how hard it is to play an illusions deck without telling me what's difficult about playing the deck! The he started telling me about lorywn standard and how awesome that standard deck was and he didn't even know half the decks i was talking about... What's wrong with people...

Also, sorry medina this isn't the post I was going to write for you. I had a bunch of audio notes and it didn't save them so I have to try to remember everything I recorded.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas

     lets go back to when Tezzeret was first spoiled. at that time everyone and their mothers were pretty excited to see where he would land.people were speculation on if he was going to compete with Jace the Mind Sculpter, KYT said 80 minimum and it look liked it was actually going to happen for a short time.
     now lets fast forward a bit. Chapin creates Tezzeret Build and takes it to Paris, Smi77y is going fucking crazy about Legion of Doom(i fucking refuse to use mind hammer) and i had been testing this thing for a while Sans Jace the Mind Sculpter and had pretty fair results. the deck was even doing to so well as to get coverage on SCG then on the Mothership.
      it was a grand deck and idea that most people hadnt thought of.
now lets fast forward to now...there not much with Tezz now. With the breaking out of Stoneforge mystic then the banning of Stoneforge mystic and Jace the Mind Sculpter, standard took a different route. At one point it looked like Tezzeret decks might actually become Tier decks and Good Old tezzeret might actually make a showing in some top 8s. he is now seldom talked about now and it doesnt look like hes going to get the love that he was looking for... but what happened?
     well for one Standard took a different route thank most people expected. With the Explosion of Cawblade and its variants, Tezz decks were actually pushed to the side. the closest that he saw play was in Brian Kiblers UB infect control build and even so he was a 1 of and eventually he would be removed from the deck entirely. other than Kiblers deck, you dont see much of him anywhere other than MTG salvation forums and that place is a trap for people looking for new decks to play. everyone is awful and they think their decks are the best, be warned.
hmmmm i am going to wrap this up by saying Dump the Tezzerets before the new liliana vess emerges. i dont believe that there is a future for him or there would already be a home in which he would have many victories in. Jace is gone so you cant really say that hes stopping tezzeret and Standard is a whole new world in which anything is possible...except for Tezz. the hype around him was great and its gone now so theres no real reason to keep him. and if you really want to stretch and say that he might be good in future sets...the next set has fucking vampires and zombies...pretty sure they wont be using many artifacts. OH! and Angelic destiny might open up Auras, thats just my guess. stock up on those bitches and aruamancers and ICHORIDS, get those before they hit 15 GETTEM!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

I am really not even sure what to play ring now. I have a spiritdancer brew in the works right now. My pen is writing a nice little list but my brain is telling me not to do it. I am just so frusterated at the lack of results that architect is putting up. I don't have the proper cards to fill in for rebeccaw black. I don't want to buy more magic as I need to save for gencon... I seem To be lost in the world of standard... With the bannings came change, a hangs I welcomed but now... I don't know what to do...

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

new Grand architect.

8 island
7 swamp
1 halimar depths
4 darkslick shores
4 inkmoth nexus

4 preordain
4 dismember
4 gitaxian probe
4 grand architect
4 thrumming bird
4 everflowing chalice
3 treasure mage
3 phyrexian metamorph
3 lodestone golem
2 wurmcoil engine
1 mind slaver
1 contagion engine
1 liliana vess
1 tezzeret, Agent of Bolas

3 torpor orb
2 consume the meek
3 psychic barrier
1 phyrexian metamorph
1 haunting echos
1 batterskull
4 mental misstep

its not a 60 card list so dont think your miscounting when your reading the list.

Monday, July 11, 2011

UW spiritdancer and LD

4 kor spiritdancer
2 sun titan
2 auramancer

4 mana leak
4 ponder
4 spreading seas

3 pacifism
1 spirit mantel
1 angelic destiny
3 oblivion ring
2 day of judgement
3 eel umbra
3 hyena umbra

right now this is the shell for the Spiritdancer deck. the deck will get a boost from Oblivion ring as a stronger piece of removal. i am still questioning using Days becuase of the addition of ORings. Orings will deal with threats earlier and if something is indescrutable such as blightsteel, i can just oring it and not have Day in my hand as a dead card. the only real reason to keep Day of Judgment in the main is because of the increasing amounts of talk about RDW and how it will be such a force in T2 come M12 and the rotation of Zendikar.
     What people dont realize is that Mesa Enchantress is too clunky for this deck. it costs three mana to play but at that point your going to want to be online with enchantress and starting to swing with her or spreading seas for lots of Card Advantage while you keep an eel umbra in hand for protection.
     You can see in the list that i only run 1 Angelic Destiny and it might change depending on how Spirit Mantel plays out. Right now i believe that Prot Creatures is pretty strong with the pod deck catching wind and   vampires remaining strong in standard. Prot creatures allows you to deal lethal amounts of damage when you feel you have the kill and you can defend all day when attached to Auramancer and Spiritdancer.
     As i feel with all the decks that i put together, this can use lots of work and testing and just finding the right color to complement the Auras and the Dancers. at one point i considered using black just to give the Spiritdancers Infect to kill fasters and i have access to hand disruption and multiple kill spells. but what most people have to understand that this deck can quickly become a control deck just by adding more blue counter magic and bringing in Sea Gate Oracles... you ever see an Oracle lay the beats with a Hyena Umbra? its pretty fucking sweet.

By the way i was suppost to put this up a long time ago but i forgot.
this is my friend wilsons RG LD decklist. he won a 1K with it and pretty much ruined alot of peoples was fucking grand
3 lightning bolt
3 spawning breath
4 lotus cobra
4 nest invader
2 garruk wildspeaker
1 hero of oxid ridge
4 roiling terrain
4 melt terrain
4 goblin ruinblaster
4 acidic slime
2 inferno titan

4 scalding tarn
4 misty rainforest
4 copperline gorge
4 raging ravine
2 tectonic edge
4 mountain
3 forest

1 island
4 spell pierce
2 nature's claim
3 obstinate baloth
4 arc trail
1 lightning bolt

Monday, July 4, 2011


So what's up with people looking at brad nelsons architect deck and just overlooking mine? I understand he won player of the year last year or something bit where is he now? Maybe people should actually look and try my list before they try a subpar one. What's the point of brewing something, posting results and sharing the list with people if they are just going to jump to the list that a pro posts?

Mental misstep

The card is way Better than people are giving it credit. Slowly but surely, people are starting to notice it's potential but not alot are saying it's going to be a definig card, well except for menor course. But what do I know, I just put the cards through a shitton of tests to provide results to back up my findings but hey I guess I don't know what I am talking about. The truth is mental misstep is going to be a very real and a very solid card in standard. As of now it stops rdw short of playing quality threats like goblin guide and lightning bolt, stops hand disruption and slows down the much slower splinter twin. Unjust beat ur splinter twin this past Friday after he tried to dig with preordains. Misstep handled that very nicely. I would keep going it I am in the process of writing this article for. 60cards on misstep and it's future in standard, i just want to get testing in before I continue to proclaim how great misstep is.
I am hoping that my Internet comes back so I can ship the article to smi77y soon.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

brad nelson 2 :/

is it just me or had brad nelson just fallen off since he left to starcity? he hasnt topped anything, he hasnt won anything. he has done nothing worth noting and his articles arent that good... Da fuck

Friday, June 3, 2011

MTG legacy

i started with Modern and thats pretty fun :] i put together a Teachings deck. but now that i look at the overall picture of when i will be playing this deck... well all arrows are pointing towards playing legacy. i am actually picking up cards that have the potential to be in a legacy deck... but right now i think i might hold off on going UW control with stoneforge mystics and equipment.
see right now Stoneforge mystic is a problem and for all of you people that say it isnt, well your wrong. if you look at a large amount of decks of decks that are seeing play, a huge amount of them are playing W for mystics. Junk UW stand still, i think 43 lands is playing it. basically anything with white in legacy should be playing mystic and batterskull/ jite/ Sword.
now look at standard. turn 2 is the craziest turn right now becuase most decks are actually going turn 2 stoneforge mystic go.EoT flash in Batterskull. its a tutor in standard where our next best tutor abitlity is Fetch land then Green sun zenith. the card is rediculous no matter how you put it.forget the "jace menace" or "Ban Jace" bitchings. Stoneforge has exploded onto the scene and its getting out of hand. games are now defined by wiether you can deal with the equipment they last into play or not.
decks that play Artifact hate dont have any other colors to support it and are dead in the water if it hits the board. i am hoping that coming June 20th, we no longer have to deal with Stoneforge in any format and everyone can go back to bitching about jace
...anyways my legacy deck right now has...3 Ancestral Visions and Hymn to Tourachs...thats all i got so far. seems pretty good right now lol i just have to come up with some sort of UW stoneblade deck or a whole new UB control for legacy. if theres one thing i know, its black cards. hopefully that will come in handy

Friday, May 27, 2011


is it possible that Green is going to be stronger with the release of M12? we have thrun that sees no play, we have green sun zenith that sees no play, we have plenty of artifact hate from green, we have the green channcelor that gives green a boost turn 1... i am thinking that birds will be back in m12. now with this new hexproof x/x for each forest in play coming from m12... is it possible to just beat face with green? nobody plays Green sun but when you actually play the card...its really fucking good. i just have a hunch about green being pretty good.i have ordered my set of the treeman...well see how this goes

Thursday, May 26, 2011

i am sitting here staring at this....
and a lot of things are going through my head for whatever this may be...
the other day i was wishing that SCG had an app after failing to find something useful for MTG in the Apps network for apple and i really hope this is what i think it is...
2 hours left until we all find out what this is and if it gets pushed back i am gonna freak out. i understand that Evan is a very busy man  and that he puts so much work into everything he does but man... if this gets pushed back i am gonna freak out. waiting for the Magic Show is sometime unbearable because of how its put together and how so much greatness is put into a 10 to 15 min youtube vid. fuck all the people that say its bad. i would really like to see the haters out there put something like this out that is some how better... fuck'em.

i remember!

good luck to Kyt at providence!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Mbc 2

Dispise is one if the answers black has been searchin for as far as plansewalker removal. Burn bounce counter attack have been the solutions to removing these walkers and each color has their own specific way, some having more ways than others. As for black vampire hexmage was it's choice and while it's not the worst easy to get rid of a walker, it's certain not the best by any means. Dispise changes that. With black being heavy in removal this card is a blessing to deal with the walkers and not just jace. Gideon, tezzeret and koth are also problematic. This going to be blacks main attack against planswalkers as I have zero faith in hex parasite. It's fragile and very situational., it's definatley a card inam going to stay awa from
Quickly, inhale been keeping my eye on her to see where she will land as far as prices and she started low and has slowly risen in price. Either people see something I don't see about this card or edh players have a huge boner for this card and are buying it like crazy. I am still watching it and I will probably pick one up. The abilities are string and chapin made an excellent point about Rey dawnbringer seeing some play while she was around. Difference is that this is a whole new world that reya has never seen and reya was actually a little harder to cast. I won't be surprised if this card makes it into my sideboard and even as am1 of in my main.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mbc thoughts

After reading chapins Article and listenin to Evan and brad Nelson talk about the black cards that are going to be coming out this weekend, a few of my initial thoughts have changed.
I originally thought that obliterator was actually bad. Sure go for the throat and gets verdict are going to be in the new world if standard, but that doesn't mean that obliterator shouldn't be played. The fact of the matter is that he's so powerful, not playing him and wanting to make an MBC deck with out him is just crazy. So my opinion on him has changed and I will acquire at least 2 this weekend. Or maybe I trade in my tezzeret set for a set of these guys... Hmmmm
Dismember is a card that has quickly grown on me and the way I was going to use him was with my grand architect deck. The deck pretty much has wurmcoils as a psudeo removal card but that's it. So birds are free to fly over and do the untappinnof thier shit, buy because of it's cost to potentially be 1 mana, it fits in the deck perfectly. It's an effective removal spell that can kill opposing Obliterators and shut down moltentail masticores.

are you kidding me

what is the point of having MTGslavation forums? better question, what is the point of having forums on mtgsalvation and having not tier deck forms? i understand that there are casual players and thats fine. but when i go into a post that has tons of replies from people, hundreds of decklists and and "input" on the deck. but seriously...what the fuck is going on these things? i have posted on twitter my concern and frusteration about the forums but man, this is really fucking ridiculous
the main issue i have with these decklists is that everyone things they can post a list and its right. whats worse is that people automatically assume every deck list should compose of the best cards and in 4 ofs such as
4x Jace the Mind Sculptor
4x Squaderon Hawks
4x Preordain
then random bullshit that they feel is good enough to make a UW control deck

but what has really triggered my frustration this early early morning is the fact that i go to a MBC post and thinking that maybe, just maybe i forgot about something coming out of new phyrexia and this is what i see
4x surgical extraction
4 phyrexian obliterator
4 lashwrithe
insert random shit half vampires with sheoldred and other random shit.
look people, a whole new set has come out and the best you have come up with is adding those 12 cards with your pile of shit? Dispise? Dismember? Geth's Verdict? remember that Grave Titan card from M11? how about Nantuko Shade? there are a ton of cards to choose from, Life's Finale!! come on people! Black sun zenith!

another reason for my frusteration is that people put these decks together on paper or online, whatever and never test them. then when you try to suggest something to add to their deck, they dismiss your comment, defend their horrible deck even though A. its not even built and B. its not tested and they Defend it with ZERO do you do that?! how?

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


fuck its hard to concentrate during the day time. i want to write something but i cant seem to get it out of my head and onto my computer. when i write my blogs, i am usually at work, its early as fuck in the morning and i am still waking up. i guess it helps that i am listening to podcasts while i work and when i drive to work.
but maybe thats the key? maybe i need to write while i listen to podcasts
like when i listen to top 8 magic podcast, i brew like a motherfucker. that cast is great :D
It also doesnt look like I will be going to anime expo in la this year. I was going to go in July but at this point in time i really just want to save for gencon and go all out there. Plus my 2 years with my gf is the following is my 2 years with my gf and i want to make sure I get her the right gift. So rather than spend my money on anime stuff and naruto cards, probably gong to spend it on an awesome vacation weekend instead ^.^ and Probably magic cards :)

I need to write this down or something

This shits been bothering me. My gfs brother is her roommate and everyday he and his best friend hang out alll day. Now normally I wouldn't suspect anything and I don't find snugly wrong with it but this guy is gay, not like someone calling another person gay but actually gay. Now what's throwing me off here is that for the most part they just smoke pot all day and drink all day. They drink and smoke all the time that they end up falling asleep in the same bed all the time all the when Try to ask my gf if her brother might be gay she gets pissed and she says they are just friends. Apparently lots of people has asked this before. Hmmmm
THe other day Some of her softball friends where at her apartment and one girl kept saying that she thought he was cute and whatever. THis girl isn't ugly and is actually pretty decent looking, so when she went to go introduce herself to him and tell him she thought he was cute I thought to myself cool he's finally going to get some. Turns out he would rather sit in his room alone than possibly get with this girl. Hmmmm for the record i have no problem with people whose sexual preference is different from mine. This is just something I have bought about and can't to my gf about cuz she gets pissed when I try to bring it up

Monday, May 2, 2011

taking 2 weeks off of magic, so no playing right now, just watching brewing and waiting. i am pretty excited for New Phyrexia. i am going to build an MBC deck or some sort of heavy black deck. thinking a deck called BBC, Big Black Creatures lol the idea and base for the deck is sick and i am pretty excited to make the deck

Caw blade...

Caw blade is a good deck and people Need to stop bitching about it. Every standard format has had a great take control and force people to play around it, with it or just brew against it. To say the format is stale is pretty ridiculous and kind of ignorant.
Look past all the caw blade decks and you will see that there are plenty of decks that make up standard right now. Most better than alot of the brews that come up like rug/bug legion of doom vampires Boros uw control ub control mono red control goblins. All better than most decks that your going to see out there, he'll I will even throw valakut out there because people still play that for some reason. Cawblade isn't ruining standard. Stop bitching start brewing.
If you look towards past sets you will see that every deck has had a dominant beast. For you newer players jund faeries valakut. If you've played for a longer period of time you'll have napster astral slide decks goblins onslaught elves counter rebels doran rock spiritmonger decks upheaval decks psycatog decks ug madness. I could go on forever and in those times, those decks actually made me want to quit magic, fuck I quit because of affinity. The point is, most people that play standard don't know how good it is to have options. Cawblade is beatable, it's uphill beat it's still beatable.
I listened to scrubland podcast and i hear them bitch about cawblade. Stop playing valakut! Why are you playing ub control?! If wafo tapa didn't take the Texas gp, why play the deck? Your not wafo tapa!
I heard someone complain that here was a lot of cawblade at my natsq his weekend. Sigh I beat cawblade with grand architect beats. It was awesome and although it required knowing that deck, gettin the right draw and playing super tight, I managed to own him. Btw mindslaver pwns :)
Jesse complains about caw blade on the newest eh teamcast but hey, that guy can brew like no other and he's very much so trying to break standard. Even tho he's made a small dent in standard with legion of doom and has moved on, a deck not working hasn't stopped him. He and a handful of other players are the only ones trying something new and different sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. And I think that's what's missing. People aren't tryin new things.
Two of my friends top8 my natsq this weekend on running R/g goblins... Groundswell owns people that tap out and the other running ub mill... Ub mill no problems with cawblade just straight beating people

Friday, April 29, 2011

Grandest architect

So tomorrow I am going to be playing in my natsq with grand architect deck. His maybe similar to ali aintrazis list, but obviously when I am playing mtg and brewing I am going to add little twists here and there. Pretty excited about it as I don't do horrible with the deck and by the time people figure out what he deck is I nail ben with a six drop turn 4 or a lodestone turn 3 yeah it happens. And when it happens, nice 3cc doom blade and 2 cc bolt. I also added some tech to the list that metaknightmare threw at me awhile ago and I pretty much held back from the raging at him about it. But in have to say it's pretty genius especially with mono blue. Soooo thanks for he tech b team member lOl.
Uhhh yesterday I woke up from my all day nap and found out hat the giullumes were banned along with two other guys... I love wafo tapa, it's always a pleasure to watch him play and it's vey unfortunate that he was involved with this leak. What's also unfortunate is that his possible bid in the HoF is going to be very much be in question now. I mention this beacause on a past top 8 magic cast they ask who would be on the ballot for this year and wafo was part of their list of people to make it. It's unfortunate hat this has happened and it has set him
Back some but he should have known that if you fuck with wizards and their product then your walking on thin ice and they will get you. I have no doubts that when he returns he will be I full force and hopefully earn his spot on the HoF ballot.
And interesting question has arisen from all of this tho. The other giullume stared that wizards had given him this godbook so that he can give a review of the set. Now with that being said, is anyone asking if any other pros are getting this godbook aswell it are smart enough to keep it under wraps? Does this brand him as a cheater now because wizards had decided to give him a look at the set months prior? Buyer sine questions ringer people thinking about this cuz at this point who knows what happens behind the scenes
I have more stuff to say but i am at work later all :)

Monday, April 18, 2011

Something new

I am at work right now and I have magic on the brain so naturally I am about to have to write a blog post. I seem to do the most writing about mtg at work, so lets get to it.
Yesterday i went to a standard for jaces tournament and took my legion of doom deck to give it a run and see if it's ready for nats qualifier at the end of the month. Turns out the deck isn't ready and I have pretty much lost all my patients for playing the deck. I have been playing it for about a month and a half? And everyone pretty much knows that I am the Grixis guy. They know I run fast walkers accompanied by brutal titans and I can protect myself and Those walkers with board sweepers. Strike 1. The deck doesn't always run good and you may have to mull aggressively to get the right hands and!!! It doesn't run counter magic ie mana leaks strike 2! And strike 3... The players at my store Renjist way too good to be running this deck. I am sure uncoils pick this up and do really well at other stores but mine is full of people wanting to excel at he game and overall are just better than so many other people. Like when inwent to gencon last year.... People were horrible the only other person I lost to was from california, everyone else I crushed.
So what am I doing right now and what am I going to play? Right now I am going to finish my brew for mono black control. I know in my last post I said that mbc wasn't possible but fuck it. I do alot of mono black homework and I spend a few hours each week trying to get the deck to where I want it and I think I may have it. The meta at my store has shifted slightly and o think I might be able to get the jump on it with this build. Inam going back to what I love to do and that's build rouge decks. I have learned alot Playing smi77ys deck and I love all the time I put into it but right now I think I am going to do it my way and see how that goes.
If I see you at the nats q ask me show you the deck, youll get a kick out of it. If not expect a write up of it on 60cards along with the other half finished notes from all the legion testing

Monday, April 11, 2011

For jayboosh :D

Its probably too early to tell, but is mono black going to be better than ub? What do you gain by cutting blue? Everyone is talking mono B-jayboosh

:D while it might be too early to tell, wotc seems to be giving up little hints at a mono black deck.there are Powerful cards like grave Titan, go for the throat, massacre wurm and abyssal persecutor are being thrown at us. But the problem lies in actual card advantage. Gone are the days of necrotopence, phyrexian arena, oversold cemeteries and BoBs. Alas we are stuck with sign in blood and phyrexian rager and... Dark tutaledge? Strictly a worse arena bleh. The problem maybe be just card advantage but it's a huge problem for mono black.
Right now blue complements black so well. You get the card draw in preordain, jace...see beyond? Blue sun zenith?... And the kill spells of black Ex dooms blades throats vendetta black sun and smother
The other bonus you get from blue Is counter magic. With out counter magic decks like cawblade and valakut shit on mono black all day. so pretty much every weakness thT black has as a standalone deck slisnmade up by blue you see.
What's awesome is that blacks battlefields effects complement blue to make it much much stronger ex grave titan percy and massacre wurm. Like I said, at this point in time it's hard to say If mono black will work. It if wizards reprints FoW with phyrexian mana or dash hopes comes back and they also print better drawing cars for black I can see it working but if they don't support the color then it's going to just be creatures and subpar spells. Also a good fucking walker for black would be nice. Vess can't do it alone

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Commitment to sparkle motion

I am seriously starting to doubt your commitment to sparkle motion... Donnie Dario is awesome. But right now I am completely converting to sparkle motion errr tezz the mind hammer... Ugh sparklemotion is better but alas! I have decided that acquiring jace is top priority for the legion of doom!! Seriously I only need 2 jace and the deck will be done and it really looks like I will be getting that jace todY making it only 1 thT is needed for the deck. This is the first time that I have actually decided to put my resources into a reall good deck and something that I actually want to play. The deck is fun, plays cards I like, plAys tezz and beats with tezz. It's great. Soooo bye bye cards that are rotating in a dew months And hello big jace. On a side note or rather a peek into my write up for this deck, I forgot my mana leaks on Monday and I was really freaking out because I had 3 stoics or 1 spell pierce 1 negate 1 mana leak.... So naturally I went with the mash of counters and while I wished that I had the leaks, I was pretty happy with my grip of non creature counter magic. Mmmm
... With m12 coming out in a few months,the teaser art for the planeswalkers has got us all wondering who will be returning. It is speculation that Lilliana vess with be reprinted in innistrad which should be nice And at some point Ajani I will make his return. I say this because they are both being replace by sorin and Gideon. It's nice, it's new, and it's a change I welcome. Garruk probably wont under go any chance for a long time and Chandra might actually be changed to her Zendikar counterpart, Chandra ablaze, which is on I guess. I personly like the current Chandra as I play her in my legion of doom deck. But what of jace?
That bastard has been terrorizing everyone since worldwake but now he seems to have slowed down a bit. Your actually seeing decks side home out and you hardly see see baby jace being played anymore... So what if it is time to reprint jace in m12? He's no longer the menace that we all don't want to deal with but just an important part of several decks that actually use him. He's no longer the reason you fear uw control, it's caw blade. Sure he's strong in ub control but grave Titan is what kills you. Maybe it's time to consider him as reprintable. The price would go down and more people could play him. It's just a thought as his art could go either way, it doesn't really show much on what he could be

Sunday, March 20, 2011

channel fireball testing group

today i found out that channelfireball or superstars or the good players at the store have started a large playing group together. and i have to admit i am really worried about this.  they are a good group of guys that know what they are doing and they play really great magic.
and its not like i am mad that they didnt invite me to their group, now i just have few people to test with i suppose. so far i have Vince, hey Vince, when he and i arent busy and we see each other at Superstars. Scotty, Jesse and a few other people on the email list that we have going for jesses tezz the something something....LEGION OF DOOM!

4 necropede
4 plague myr
4 phyrexian crusader
3 vatmother
2 skytherix

3 tumble magnet
3 stoic rebuttal
3 tezzeret
4 Inquisition of Kozilek
3 preordain
3 doom blade

insert land

i think this is the list that i have put together...i dont want to get up right now and find the deck that is together... i am lazy right now. i actually kept the Myrs in the deck becuase hes a 2 drop infect creature and can actually ramp you into vatmother on turn 3 and a turn 3 vatmother is a beating. the deck seems to be playing not only good creatures, but also control cards like Tumble mags, IoKs and Stoics. Kiblers played no counters or hand disruption and have barely any card draw.
the deck lacks artifacts to justify the use of Tezz but when i was goldfishing and started hitting with tezz, it seemed to find the creatures and magnets pretty well. if the ult gets off, its going to help in the long run as you gain the life lost.

ugh sorry that this post is lacking so much umph.this post also is just a bunch of scattered things. i have been exhuasted these last few days and i havent gotten a chance to catch up on sleep. if i decide to further my testing on this deck i will post my results but as of right now, it really looks like the Legion of Doom will be my deck of choice as myself,Jesse and the gang are in the works of making the deck better than it is right now.
Ok little blog, it's been too long for me to not write on you so here we go.
I decided to take a small break but that rally didn't last long. You see mr medina is a pretty convncing guy and a few messages here and there on twitter and some rather interesting SMS from certain people asking for my help,I was offs my break. Normally I take breaks like this and they typically last about 2 months or brio the next set comes out buyout q few hours seems ok too... I guess. I felt that if I did take a break, I would fall so far behind that it wod take a lot longer to catch back up than it has in recent years. The last time I took time off was Month after conflux and i pretty much all of he bant deck before knight and the mana fixer exPlodde into popularity.
As of right now I am doing a few things. 1 I am foiling out most of the tezz deck that inhale in the works along with the aintrazi mono blue list. Medina talks about how he foils it out and so far the reaction I see from people is pretty awesome. Plus the deck looks so ill. Second I am picking up as many SoM cards that I feel will have some impact on standard when zendikar rotates In a few months. Picking up koths was a great idea becuSe the price actually went up about 5 bucks on channel fireball bringing them to 25 instead of 20. I also picked uP masticores because if you actually notice,this guy is a 4/4 for 4 that regens for 2 and domes you for 4. Sounds pretty good. I am also building 3 decks Right now. The mono blue aintrazi deck, the legion of doom deck and this really sweet ub infect control deck I have built.
I built the infect deck before kiblers version and when I saw it on scg, I was just horrified at how bad it was. He made play mistakes but fuck, there was no control aspect what so ever and he just went all in and with ub infect you just don't want to do that. soni am pretty confident in saying that my lost is way better than he one inhis vids. I will be putting that list up later. I think that's enough for now. I was going to put of these 3 hit softball girls up but in can't get it to work on my phone. One of them is the whooty girl... Ugh shes so hot.
Also, I am pretty sure the eh team ep 28 is my fav podcast episode of all time.Seriously at an hour into the episode is my favorite part. Jayboosh is fucking brilliant

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

mono blue

4 enclave cryptologist
4 grand architect
4 lodestone golem
4 thrumming bird
3 tumble magnet
3 stoic rebuttal
4 spell pierce
3 preordain
1 treasure mage
2 mindslaver
2 ratchet bomb
3 everflowering chalice

16 islands
2 mystifiying maze
3 tech edge
3 inkmoth nexus

this is my verison of Ali Aintrazi's
i ran a slighty different version of this deck like 2 weeks ago and i was completely smashed. the problem with it is Inquistion is such a beating and on top of that the lack of counter magic puts you so far behind. so in this version i added the stoics and spell pierces to slow down the control matchup. unfortunatly, this slows the deck down aswell becuase if you get the right hand, you can explode into your 6 drop on turn 3 or 4.i added the lodestones because a 5/3 for 4 seemed like a really good plan in case i dont get the 6 drop plan. the golem also sets them because of the ability.
yesterday i saw that 3 of these architect decks placed in the SCG invitational events they have been running and i have decided to keep any eye on this build. ali build something out of the ordinary and placed with it. if people are having great sucess with something like this, then it might have more potential than it looks like it you get to play with mindslaver :D

Friday, March 11, 2011

thats fucked up

i go to my gfs softball games and out of everyone there, i am the only bf that goes to every home game my gf has. i gotta support the girl i love and the sport she is in like she supports me and magic. so i try to make friends with the girls on the softball team. alot of them are sweethearts and  really kind to me. some of them...most of them are just full of drama and bullshit so i tend to stay away from that, but for the most part i dont annoy anyone on the team and vise versa.
now for softball i dont really use twitter to show them my support but i do use facebook. i normally stay away from facebook but in this case everyone can see who i am supporting and who i am saying is doing a great job blah blah blah. so when someone on that team does something really awesome like catches an out or gets a great hit, i say something on facebook. now apperently from what my gf says these girls dont like that... apperently i am spaming good jobs to everyone on facebook and that i relentlessly say things to people, which is really really far from the fact it couldnt be more wrong. there are girls on the team that i like tons more than the others so like...what i dont understand is that if i am saying your doing a great job during your game...and nobody else comes to see you or any of the other girls playing...why shut down your 1 man cheering section? i dont see guys that other girls like show up. or other bfs show up or crushes show up. just me, my gfs dad and other parents.
what pisses me off about this situation is that they make it seem like i want a response out of them. its really simple and doesnt have to get blown out of proportion. you made a good play and didnt fuck it up like you could have, good job.
this has nothing to do with magic, its just someting that has been annoying me since my girlfriend told me. i dont understand why women have to complicate things and make them bigger than they are...da fuck


Lol I appreciate everyones interest in my taking a break from mtg, its really nice to see. But I will be back. Magic is this huge part of my life and I value all the friendships I have made, so I wouldn't ever just quit. If you, the reader, have noticed that I haven't really been writing much of anything. Nothing to 60cards or even my bliggity blog and I fucking love writing for 60cards. I kind of blame myself for not writing as much as I have been brewing and brewing and brewing so that I can have killer results to actually write about. But I made the mistake of severly underestimated the players at superstars and I was crushed each time I played in a Tournement.but I kept brewing to try to dent the meta a little bit but nothing ever paid off. So right now I am pretty discouraged from brewing but that really won't last long. At the same time I need to get some things straightened out and I might be going back to school because right now I just work and I wanna do something with my life other than be really handsome :D
I am still going to read mtg, watch the coverage, listen to casts. I probably won't play or brew right now. And I will definitely keep my norn duties and help the b team cast. I'll be back soon, no worries

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Conrad kolos

...who is this guy and why do they let him write for tcg player?
The only other time I have heard of this guy, was during nationals and him making that horrid team that was representing the us at worlds. Future research revealed two things. 1. He's made some deck that was red white kith Jim during lorwyn... Which I didnt even know existed while I was heavily playing lorwyn and 2. Nobody know who he is nor does anyone actually care who he is... The wizards forum Is a mean place. So if anyone actually knows something about him and what he has done other than somehow make the nats team last year, hit me up. I am always curious about the people that put out these articles

Saturday, March 5, 2011

man... i feel like such a douchebag today. today was the 1k at Superstars and i decided to play in it. i played my home brew tezzper deck that was... well it was pretty meh. i played back to back Kuldotha red decks, i played a home brew Rock deck in which i took him down with creeping tar pits and a shitty UB control deck in which i drew fuckin...a billion land but just 3 short of playing and hardcasting fuckin...blightsteel colossus. so i dropped1-3 so now... i am drinking lol! drinking and brewing. right now i have ali antraizis mono blue proliferate...broliferate HA!, deck and i am attempting to add/splash black just for tezzeret... i need a deck to play tommorow becuase the deck i constructed last nite is fucking shit...sigh, i should have just played fuckin Pawgo, i love that deck. anyways the real reason i am writing this post is becuase of a little incident that occoured tonite.

tonite i came face to face with jon sasso, the owner of channelfireball and Superstars gaming center in san jose california. now i didnt think i would be in his presence tonite nor did i expect to see him. but i ended up seeing him and standing 5 feet from him...i felt a little awkward because of all the shit i have talked about channelfireball and how they are behind SCG and blah blah blah. and tonite he saw me and said " ahhh the twitter guy" lol i laughed a bit and didnt really think much of it...but now i am sitting here thinking about and drinking and whatever and i feel bad. this guy jon, is so fucking nice. he didnt blow up at me or call me out on anything or ask my why i was talking shit. he just laughed and went on with life... and now as i am typing this...i feel bad. he a nice guy, he works hard at what hes trying to do and i just shit on him...i am sorry jon. its not fair to bash what you have built becuase what you have built is pretty impressive.
i have been going to superstars for years now and its gone from a store in a small shopping center to their warehouse to this giant fucking store that attracts basically the entire fucking bay area to it. i should be helping draw people to the store and saying nothing but nice things about the store because in all honesty, most of the people that work there are fucking great. and the service that they provide is exellcent and what jon has build is great and i greatly appreicate it..

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Wizards to the rescue

Ok so remember when knight exemplar was spoiled and everyone freaked out wondering if knights were going to shake up standard?Knights as of right now hasn't affected standard in the slightest even with the addition of accorder paladin and leonin skyhunter making it's comeback. There has been talk of a knights deck on, that a deck builder is claiming to be decimating every top tier deck in standard. I asked a few people about what they thought about that being a possible deck and they replied with... Seems weak and will Lose to valakut and DoJ.
And now it seems wizards has taken notice if this fallen tribe and gas posted this

An article by Jacob van lunen on how knights has beaten the two hot decks in standard; boros and cawblade. The list seems solid but something seems off with it don't you think? You don't simply shove weenies into a deck, say it beat strong decks and expect the knights tribe to be great do you? I dunno, it seems like wizards is trying to force knights, only problem is that they give so little to work with to make a good deck. Maybe with new phyrexia there will be stronger knights that actually effect the board in big ways instead of levelers, battle cry beats and a deceptively weak lord

Thursday, February 24, 2011


4 plague stingers
4 vatmothers
4 phyrexian crusaders
its got the plague myr as well. maybe a 4 of
 fuck...i forgot the entire list...
well its got sledge pistons for sure i think 3
its got adventuring gears as well maybe 2
its got only marsh flats as the fetch
its a mono black build
there were some go for the throats in there but not doom blade

its really fucking good he went 3-1 like i said he did took down 2 valakuts and a BUG build i think it was.
my friend is a really good standard player so its not a throw everything on board and smash.
i dont remember the sideboard at all so your going to have to figure that out that much.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Lol I haven't posted shit in forever and the stats I see are showing. I have just been really busy with work, the girlfriend and her softball and actually getting out there and playing magic. What's annoying isvthat I have an altered juza list that I have been dying to test, and the one fucking time I dint have the deck and I drop by superstars I can't fucking play because the deck is at home.btw if people reading this see shut randomly, it's because my iPhone first recognize shit as a word and auto corrects it. Funny thin Is that it will autocorrect to fivewithflores but not the word shit lol. Anyways back to magic
I have a little somethin somethin on Christian calcanos ub vampires list aka blue blood. I have decided that adding white with stoneforge mystic is sick so the list is esper right now which I think flows really well as buw mana bases are among the best and easiest to handle when dealing with 3color decks. It's just my opinion and I love esper colors.
Speaking of mana base, I am fucking caught on my next article for 60cards that has to do with the way the standard environment has great options for playing land and how important the order of your land drops are. The last time playing land was this important was ravnica.and huzah for my first theory article
At dome point I an hoping to get to play in a larger standard tournament sometime soon. I am getting the itch to play competetive standard
That's it for now hopefully I can go back to frequent blogs and more results for the decks I am playing

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Jon Medina

so a loooooong while ago Jon Medina put up a list that look a little something like this

4 Blight Mamba – The regen on this guy is redic right now.
4 Ichorclaw Mry
4 Necropede
4 Cystbearer -> Stay alive through Burst Lightning and Pyroclasm
4 Putrefax
4 Garruk Wildspeaker
4 Primal Bellow
4 Adventuring Gear
2 Contagion Clasp
2 Explore – Some guy though I was Eldrazi Ramp and didnt fetch his Red. ROFL
4 Misty Rainforest
4 Verdant Catacombs
16 Forest
4 Nature’s Claim
4 Vines of Vastwood
2 Contagion Clasp
2 Brittle Effigy
2 Corpse Cur – This guy gets back Putrefaxes like it’s his Job.
1 Live Wirelash – The damage is done in Poison!
this is the exact list btw. now shortly after that, i put my own cards into it and procceded to take this deck to MTGO and just own players. now its been a few months later and i am looking for a new pet deck to play and i remembered that with MBS bringing a dick load of infect cards, this deck is very much so a possibility. so this evening i have ordered, yet again i use this saying, a dick load of cards to make this deck possible once again.i am a little bit smarter, a little bit more prepared and i am most definatly ready to infect some people. i havent decided if the deck i am going to be playing will be a traditional rock (B/G) or if i am going to go BUG for the proliferation in Thrummingbird. the other solid option is Doran Rock (BGW) using the swords of vengence to get through as well as using cards like bonehoard and sword of Body and Mind, shit like that to get the infect cards stronger and getting more damage through. Doran Rock seems to have a little more umph with the Stoneforge mystics so i am leaning more towards that direction. time will tell when i pick those cards up on monday and start testing.when i reach my decision i will get a list up :}

Saturday, February 19, 2011


So part 2...
you may or may not know that I am on the 25th episode of the Eh team Podcast and I have to say it was a pretty sick experience. I got to cast with @caterography and @metaknightmare of twitter and the three of us make up the B Team, just add that to the list of nicknames I have such as Norn or The Eh Team bodyguard. The Resume is looking good lol. Anyways, the 3 of us got about 15 mins to talk about anything that we wanted to on the cast. I brought up standard and was hoping to talk more about it...the Sean and Zack had other ideas :/
Now for this part of my Post I thought long and hard about what I was going to say. I don’t want to be mean to the other 2 guys or insult them or talk badly about what they wanted to talk about because it was our 15 mins of whatever we wanted to talk about. But what I will say is that I don’t mind much talking about how the magic community and the Eh Team helped you get back in to magic just as long as it doesn’t feel like a lifetime...which It did. I was just looking to talk about something about Standard orrrrrrrr even the Extended, no matter how shitty it has turned since it was shrunk in size. Anyways...i just hoped we talked about something we could all talk about...
As for Zacks idea of talking about past Sets and the favorites...i don’t care for those conversations and I actually find them really boring. Look Invasion was the fucking nuts. Vindicate, Deed, Spiritmonger, Mystic Snake...the list continues of how amazing that set was and how great that T2 environment was, what other set can compare to that other than Ravnica. What conversation needed to come out of that? I do admit that I was interested in what Scotty thought of the question because he has played the longest out of the cast. i wish we would have continued the momentum of talking about standard...
I would like to say that I could have brought a little more to the cast than I did. I should have asked more questions about what KYT and Scotty thought about Standard.(i talk to Jesse way more out of twitter and the cast so I can ship him a list and we can work on that)
it was a good time. I loved being on the cast with the guys, just kinda hanging out talking about stuffs. I hope to do it again with them.

this is the deck I have been working on since I saw Juzas list in Paris

3 Jace Beleren
4 Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas

3 Black Sun Zenith
4 Inquesition of Kozilek
4 Everflowing Chalice
3 Sphere of the suns
3 Ratchet Bomb
1 Mind Slaver

1 Precursor Golem
1 Blightsteel Colossus
1 Battlesphere Myr
4 Phyrexian Revoker
4 Kuldotha Forgemaster

4 Tectonic Edge
2 Marsh Flats
2 Scalding Tarns
3 Swamp
3 Island
2 Inkmoth Nexus
4 Darkslick Shores
4 Drowned Catacombs

the sideboard is still underworks so I am not going to post it.i also played against boros and its pretty solid. I think I dropped 1 game against it. He had me down to 3 and I Tezzereted him to death he was pretty close to 20.the deck works and I am considering adding Steel hellkite to the side to combat the aggro decks. More to come out of the testing I hope to be doing this week at the standard events at Superstars.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

this is the Eh Team Podcast i was on last was a good time we talked stadard, Paris and a bunch of other random things enjoy

Tuesday, February 15, 2011
this was when i was in the week in magic on its for the write up i did for with WU spiritdancer. the event wasnt the most sucessful as far as the playing, but i got to meet a lot of cool people, people know who i was and i got to have joey( from the taps crew, sign my fuckin play mat :] really nice guy. i also had inkwell looter( draw something on the mat as well, also nice guy.

part 1

MBS has hit and I have been building ever since the full set was released. So many cards that have to possibility to warp standard right now and I am pretty excited about it. I can already see it taking effect in the meta at my store and as much as I hate to see the decks that most people are playing, its only going to drive to me make a better deck. And that better deck is's Martin Juza's Kuldotha Forgemaster deck that he ran in Paris this weekend.
This deck is probably the deck I have been most excited to play in a long time because not only did it do really really well(5-0) but I have the fucking deck 95 percent complete. The only problem...fucking jace but! I think have the replacement for him and it should do fine. Right now I just have sea gate oracles as a replacement but I think that just going with baby jace is the right idea. One of my friends is actually playing with an interesting piece of tech and that is to run the 3 spine of ish sha and because you mana accelerate so fast and so high, you have no problem ramping into them. One ramped in to them, you sacrifice them to the forgemaster instead of your signets so that you recast them from your hand and the Spines return from the grave to your hand. The cycle seems vicious but its so mana intensive I can defiantly see it not working. On the other hand, getting this to work might actually be really beneficial as vindicates are pretty good last I checked.
There is one thing that didn’t like about juzas deck and that is that it doesn’t play counters in the main....none. No spell pierce, no mana leak nothing, no fuel for the cause, nothing. I don’t really see how your suppose to protect yourself from a Green artifact wrath or other counters to stop you from comboing off. the current build I have now has spell pierce in the main and I feel that it is right to have that in the deck. Its a UB build, how could you not have counters.
There is one care that is really catching my eye right now and that is Decimator Web...not quite sure why it is, but I feel like the 4 mana you invest to activate it, you get so much value out of it. The best part I feel is either the poison counter that is added or the top 6 that is milled from the top. The milling effect ruins any kind of strategy applied by jace's brainstorm ability and also removes threats from their library..durr. Although many people will turn their heads away from this card mostly because it is a mill card, the fact that it only costs 4 and its ability also costs 4 seems to be worth the cost from mid game to late game. Also, with a deck like juza's you have plenty of mana early in the game so that this cost is almost nothing.
The other deck that I have been heavily fiddling around with is MBC. I let my friend play it against me with my UW control deck at the time and he got me a few times. It defiantly can survive when the going gets tough. And phyrexian rager is definitely a card people are overlooking and I think it has so much potential. The scary part of the testing was when he got a massacre wurm In the fucking mimic vat... the deck is still on the table and I am still putting a lot of thought and multiple builds together.

My problem lately is that I keep trying to ruin the two decks that I actually have put together, Juzas Tezz deck and CawGo. Take look

2 elspeth
3 Baby Jace
4 Tezz

4 chalice
3 suns sphere
2 DoJ

1 mindslaver
2 phyrexian Revoker
3 kuldotha forgemaster
1 blightsteel colossus
1 Battlesphere Myr
2 stoneforge mystic
1 sword of body and mind
1 bonehoard
1 sword of vengeance

for some reason I just really wanna fit in white,but I know that it wont work. Black Sun is just way better in DoJ so you could just run the set instead of a split between the two. Also you don’t kill your artifacts that are now 5/5's thanks to tezzeret. It real reason that I want to fit in white is not just for the Mystic and Elspeth, but because the sideboard has so much artifact removal and that sun titan brings back so much when you sacrifice for the forgemaster. You actually get Exile target artifact from white so you don’t have to worry about indestructible creatures.
I dont really know why I keep going back to esper, but I do. I guess I just like the color combination and what it has to offer. It plays the cards that I like to play. Although my friend has heard there is an Esper control deck that is being tested and played, so I have been on the look out for that.

Hmmm I think I will do two parts of this. The second one will come out when the Eh Team podcast is up, number 25 :D there are some things I want to say about it, so I will wait to write that one after I hear it

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Aewww shiiiiet, I have been so involved with testing my tezzeret deck that I have neglected my blog. Sorry people but I am trying to get a lot of content for 60cards so I need to have a contending deck luckily I have every card for the forgemaster deck that juza played in paris, minus the jaces. But hey, thats a ton of other people as well... More later and I will share the decks that I built this last week and what what happened on Thursday :)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

quickly i want to thank Frank Lepore of TCGplayer for his mana base for the BUW tezzy build. its pretty solid and its the base i have been looking for for my control build. thanks Frank :]

also, where is the fucking Paris build up and articles? we have giullume vs nelson but wheres the hot new tech and what are people brewing after the release of MBS. i wanna see some fucking Tezz decks pros! come on!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

CFB cast pffft

Now that I feel like am armed with enough information to put some posts up, lets start with the Channel Fireball podcast that’s went out this week. Now Podcasts have grown to great popularity in the last 6 months and everyone and their mothers think that they can cast and have it be successful. The most notable casts are MNM, YoMTGTaps, The Eh Team and I hear so much about Mana Screwed and Limited resources being legit casts. I haven’t actually listened to the cast but I hear so much about them, I might actually give a few episodes a listen. Now Channel Fireball sponsored the Eh Team podcast for about 10 episodes and for some stupid reason, they decided not to continue to sponsor them. I guess cutting ties with a podcast that is growing in popularity is a good idea. And currently they are sponsoring MNM, which is fucking boring and has been around for 200+ episodes. And last week the Channel Fireball team decided to put out their own Podcast...fantastic.
Now let me jump aside from this really quickly and just let you, the reader, know that I have completely put my feelings aside for the CFB site and whats happened in the last few months aside and gave it my best to give an honest review of this cast and what it actually brings to the table. I have looked at it from the perspective that I just want people to hear the best and learn and gather as much valuable information from a cast.
OK so back to this opinion of the cast. What I find interesting is that this cast is basically just TSG and some other guy talking about the articles that CFB put out this week and not really highlighting the strengths of the articles, just kinda letting people know they are out there and what they are about. If your going to do a recap of the whats on the site, make me want to go read the article, don’t just let me know its there. As a magic player I am going to know whats out there because I already have the sites I go to every night to check the updates and whats new as far as articles. Your job as the person recapping whats on the site is to keep me on the site and make me want to read what your pros have to offer on the site, not just that nakamura wrote and article on Duress vs IoK and that it was good.
TSG mentions several times that he has good opinions about the financial side of magic...sure... and then offers the listener a few tips about what cards to pick up during the prerelease.they get around to how they are teaming up with Mtg cast to do...something with MNM and then TSG talks about how he does MED4 drafts and Ochoa and LSV laugh at him.
Anyways its pretty awful. In no way shape or form does this cast offer humor like the others. Its seems like a bunch of scrounged up ideas thrown out on a piece of paper and Is just out there to be part of the podcast world.
If you want to know what I think this is personally...i think is a piece of shit. This cast wont last long out in the fierce competitive jungle that is the podcast world. Everyone wants to make their make and be the next being YoMTGTaps crew or The Eh team, a funny, diverse and relevant cast that will keep you engaged. The Channel Fireball cast is just another something where TSG likes to talk and hear his own voice. Although I did like The Beme on the show :] other than that, it fucking sucks. If LSV is too busy to do something like this, just have him do a recording and have him ship it to CFB and that can be the cast.
Whats funny is that I go to the comments section about this cast and it gets praise and I kinda wish I saw what they saw. But then again it could just be people holding CFB's D in their hands.

Dunno how but I forgot to mention Top 8 Magic cast...hands down the BEST cast out there...then the eh team then taps :]

Monday, January 31, 2011

fuck it, one more

4x Vatmother
4x Viridian Emissary
4x Phyrexian Crusader
3x Stoneforge Mystic
2x Sun Titan
1x Bonehoard

2x Duress
4x IoK
3x Journey to Nowhere
2x Doom Blade
4x Sign in Blood
2x Sword of Vengeance
2x Black Sun Zenith
add land and poof! GWB...i think I am missing some things and the deck could probably use some work. When I get the cards for the deck it should be a lot easier to test. I am just missing the MBS cards so I am just watiting on those. Duress and IoKs are insane turn 1. I would have done more refining but I found my other Foil Sea Gate Oracle sooo I got really happy about that :]