Monday, January 31, 2011

fuck it, one more

4x Vatmother
4x Viridian Emissary
4x Phyrexian Crusader
3x Stoneforge Mystic
2x Sun Titan
1x Bonehoard

2x Duress
4x IoK
3x Journey to Nowhere
2x Doom Blade
4x Sign in Blood
2x Sword of Vengeance
2x Black Sun Zenith
add land and poof! GWB...i think I am missing some things and the deck could probably use some work. When I get the cards for the deck it should be a lot easier to test. I am just missing the MBS cards so I am just watiting on those. Duress and IoKs are insane turn 1. I would have done more refining but I found my other Foil Sea Gate Oracle sooo I got really happy about that :]


  1. You running the stoneforge mystics just for Sword of Vengeance? :S Seems more consistent without white, or just with more white removal instead.

  2. ...deck could use some work as it said in the description...
