This is what i saw on my twitter earlier today. i slightly laughed at this and thought to myself... uhhh valakut isnt Jund, Jund pulls wins out of its ass, valakut doesnt in my opinion. I have beat Valakut before with a janky mono white kor equpiment deck, its not impossible. most cards have answers for valakut and while they may not be the greatest cards in standard, there are still answers. I am comfortable with my builds to say that i dont fear valakut at all.
This is the recent decklist that won the NYC TCGplayer tourney. looooks kinda good and yeah it did win first, Grats. there are a few cards coming from scars and cards that already in standard that make me believe that Valakut ramp is just a top tier deck and not the unstoppable jund replacement
the first card here,

is Leonin Arbiter. now the arbiter prevents the deck from actually going off and whats key in valakut is getting the ramp needed to put your opponent on a clock to you getting your mountains to do lethal or also in this case using Avenger of Zendikar to mass tokens. by preventing early land drops you stop the deck from being a huge problem. the slight draw back of the arbiter is that he is a 2/2 body and is easily killed by lightning bolt, burst lighting and the new galvanic blast. but some lists just run the lightning bolt and with 4 of one card in a 60 card deck, there should be enough time to get mana for countermagic or pumps to protect him.
Next up is

Spreading seas. this card basically shuts down the combo of using lands to kill you. its cheap and replaces itself. Whats wierd to me is that people seem to have forgotten about this card becuase i dont really hear many people mentioning it anymore. At one point in time, Spreading Seas was the card that shut down Jund and eventually pulled the wins out for U/W against Jund.
Another Enchantment that shuts down Valakut Ramp is

Leyline of Sanctity. i orginally said this card was turrible. like horrible, not a single purpose, nobody is ever going to play this card, to the garbage with you.WRONG. believe it or not, but this card actually stops you from being burned out by Valakut. i have heard of very few builds actually running the enchantment destroyer,back to nature, so you dont really have to worry about it being destroyed. and on top of this card preventing burn, you cant be duress, IoK'd, mind shattered, mind sludged, tramatized,fireballed,milled and burned by other shit.
LOL this one is for kicks but

i saw this little combo of liquimetal coating plus any kind of artifact removal. this goes into a deck that revolves around liquimetal coating and from what i saw in their testing, with enough time to protect the coating and drawing enough finishers, the deck runs well. that was like 2 or 3 games or watching. now i actually built the deck itself and if you dont have the coating, most cards in your hand are useless other than the counter magic. also, there is no win condition other than using Jace 2.0
In the Case of creatures, it pretty simple. Doj, Consume the meek, Doomblade etc etc, theres plenty of spot removal in the right spots.
This is the recent decklist that won the NYC TCGplayer tourney. looooks kinda good and yeah it did win first, Grats. there are a few cards coming from scars and cards that already in standard that make me believe that Valakut ramp is just a top tier deck and not the unstoppable jund replacement
the first card here,
is Leonin Arbiter. now the arbiter prevents the deck from actually going off and whats key in valakut is getting the ramp needed to put your opponent on a clock to you getting your mountains to do lethal or also in this case using Avenger of Zendikar to mass tokens. by preventing early land drops you stop the deck from being a huge problem. the slight draw back of the arbiter is that he is a 2/2 body and is easily killed by lightning bolt, burst lighting and the new galvanic blast. but some lists just run the lightning bolt and with 4 of one card in a 60 card deck, there should be enough time to get mana for countermagic or pumps to protect him.
Next up is
Spreading seas. this card basically shuts down the combo of using lands to kill you. its cheap and replaces itself. Whats wierd to me is that people seem to have forgotten about this card becuase i dont really hear many people mentioning it anymore. At one point in time, Spreading Seas was the card that shut down Jund and eventually pulled the wins out for U/W against Jund.
Another Enchantment that shuts down Valakut Ramp is
Leyline of Sanctity. i orginally said this card was turrible. like horrible, not a single purpose, nobody is ever going to play this card, to the garbage with you.WRONG. believe it or not, but this card actually stops you from being burned out by Valakut. i have heard of very few builds actually running the enchantment destroyer,back to nature, so you dont really have to worry about it being destroyed. and on top of this card preventing burn, you cant be duress, IoK'd, mind shattered, mind sludged, tramatized,fireballed,milled and burned by other shit.
LOL this one is for kicks but
i saw this little combo of liquimetal coating plus any kind of artifact removal. this goes into a deck that revolves around liquimetal coating and from what i saw in their testing, with enough time to protect the coating and drawing enough finishers, the deck runs well. that was like 2 or 3 games or watching. now i actually built the deck itself and if you dont have the coating, most cards in your hand are useless other than the counter magic. also, there is no win condition other than using Jace 2.0
In the Case of creatures, it pretty simple. Doj, Consume the meek, Doomblade etc etc, theres plenty of spot removal in the right spots.
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