Monday, January 31, 2011

catching up

I have to admit I am not impressed with Nakamuras first article on IoK vs Duress. Sure its somewhat important but you should be able to go to and find that same argument there. Also when trying to compare those two cards in particular, your going to have to assess your meta and properly adjust. When IoK first came out I asked many people which they thought was the right choice between the two was and I got a lot of different answers. Turns out at that time Duress was the correct answer and even adding 2 IoK was ok. Hopefully the next one is going to be better than this one. I also look forward to Juzas article as I am sure everyone is also wondering what he is going to channelfireball.
Second thing I want to quickly say is thank you to the SuperStars employees like eric, emily,tim, byron,tommy people that I see that are hard workers and bust their asses to make everyone happy. And they have to deal with so many people wanting different things all at the same time. They remain cool, calm and collected during the time they are there and they dont get the recognition that they deserve. I am so glad I have people like that working at SuperStars instead of some fucking douche that could care less about what goes on their.
And the last thing I want to mention is a conversation my friend and I had about 2 weeks ago about me, 60cards, SCG and CFB. He mentioned that he had read my articles and that he things my articles are pretty good, people see what I have to say, I get feed back and on average they are as good as most articles on other sites(lol doubtful they are on par with SCG articles) he mentioned that although I seem to be getting kind of noticed in the MTG community that I will only go as far as my skill and winnings will take me. In other words, I will only get to where I want to be in MTG if I win a larger tournament and continue to place higher than I do when I actually try. But he repeated himself again with the winning larger tournaments and gaining notoriety.
He also mentioned the post about CFB and my support of SCG. I love SCG, the customer service the provide, Evan Erwin and of course their articles. As of late most people that read my blog have noticed my dissatisfaction of the quality of channel fireball articles other than Conley and LSV, the loss of Brad Nelson to SCG and how they seem to have fallen behind since last year. My friends says to me that its best to hold my tongue when speaking about CFB for now as I seem to be pushing a little too much. Keep support of SCG but kinda back off a bit about CFB...i think I might do that for a bit...

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