Sunday, January 23, 2011

contaminated ground

Contaminated Ground

OK so this is contaminated ground. now at one point there i speculated that this card was actually on par with spreading seas. now as we all know, that is clearly not the case but i want to just say that while this card may not be better than spreading seas, its only slightly worse than everything thinks it is. 
i have asked a few people what they think about this card and most of the time i get the same answer of it doesn't replace itself and that it will never be a spreading seas, leave it alone. so i left it alone but now i am building my MBC list and this card has continued to show up.
There are a few key reasons that and MBC build should be main decking 4 of these cards.
i have said this a few times, but the options for mana in the current standard world are phenomenal. i have played for a long time and there are so many duels and there man lands that are important and there is a land the destroys the lands that you don't want and ones that make tokens. plain and simple the quality of lands in standard is great. so great that every land you play and in what order is so important these days. you can play your come into play tapped man land or you can halimar depths or drop your fetch and pass. what you do with your lands in the first 3 turns is extremely vital unless your playing a mono color deck. so what Contaminated ground actually does is completely ruins all but what 3 decks in standard and there are like what 10 good decks? By turning the land into a swamp you will completely cut off your WU opponent that needs every land that he can get to keep an advantage over you. hes going to need those DoJ's and those Jace's and removing one of those colors from play is quite devastating. 
At the SJ open i was stuck drawing islands and i finally dropped a glacial fortress after turn 3. so i drop the fortress, then the spiritdancer then passed. my hand was full of guard duty's and pacifism and he is playing mono black vampires so i am looking forward to shutting down his creatures. so he untaps and plays contaminated ground...i am instantly fucked because i have been drawing shit as far as white sources and now i cant lock down his creatures. fantastic. i wait 2 more turns to finally draw the other fortress and crush him.
simply put, he took away the land that i needed in a black deck.
this is also the trade off you get from not drawing a card like spreading seas, you lose 2 life and the 2 damage adds up. it really does hurt when you have to tap in the early stages of a match. you have to realize that you may not have drawn a card to replace this one but your board presence is as equally significant. you have now cut off your opponent from his land effectively giving him a land he can only use with cards that have colorless but you have also giving your also causing your opponent significant loss of life. over 3 turns that 6 life...
its a pseudo LD spell for black that doesnt suck. its stops man lands and valakut thats pretty important these days considering a lot of standard metas contain both of those decks. Man lands are everywhere and Valakut players will never see this coming from a black deck.

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