Monday, November 29, 2010


now that i have reflecting pools, how is four and even five color control not possible. i have been saying that those control decks are possible in standard but with extended, its definatl y possible. i ant wait to get to work on this kelpie deck and it really does look like its going to be four colors despite dcampa saying its  better to be in just the three. i like just having doj and oring in main and have sideboard options. and i am really wanting to take out green simply becuase i dont wanna buy vengevines but...cloudthresher? garruk? kitchen finks? lots of great green in prior blocks. and i just remembered thought sieze from lorwyn too. also really considering not playing jace or just using baby jace, also becuase i dont want to spend that much on cards. but i suppose i could splerge on two of them and the rest of the cards in the next month...he seems like a great investment

Sunday, November 28, 2010


i have decided that i am going to put standard brewing on hold and start brewing for extended. the beginning of the year is an extended portion and i want to be ready. its tenth edition and up this time and i dont really think people have a grasp on the extended format. i have been playing magic for a long time and lorwyn brought some of the most explosive cards to a standard enviornment and combine that with shards block and a completley unexplored scars block, extended is surely to be an intense format. here are just some of the decks i think can be top contenders in extended
doran rock
five color control
cruel control
b/w tokens
g/w aggro
valakut scapshift
r/b aggro
aggro ww
elves and for medina horde of notions deck. there is the possiblity of new decks emerging but lets face it, a majority of the magic players are going to wait for a pro to play with a list,win and just copy that list.also, thats not even every possible decklist out there that could take top ranks. there are plenty of control cards, esper aggro is very possible and mbc could even emerge

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


i really think that mindslaver is under valued right now. they must have reprinted it for a reason and becuase they reprinted it for as a mythic, its got to still have some of its value that it did way back in mirrodin. i am thinking a mono blue deck with slavers, architects and counter magic, using frost titans to lock down , jace to control games and sphinx of jwar isle to finish...
also have heavy metal craft cards, mainly blue myr, ratchet bombs, etched champion, wurm coil, lodestone golem as a pair and only a pair, i dont want to be paying extra for a main deck spell pierce or more for a mana leak.
and now theres random talk about tumble magnet being played in main decks... its kind of interesting. the artifact stealing merfolk seems very playable if that is true. ratchet bombs, chalices, effigys, even exliar of immortality. not to mention wurmcoil engines can be stolen as well....random standard thoughts

necrotic ooze

i am wanting to make a rock deck... i see metaknight on twitter trying to start the push to do but no offense to him i think hes going in the wrong direction. past rock decks have been super solid and everytime there has been one when i play, its been great. whats missing is the cards that have made the rock deck legit. spiritmonger, chameleon colosuss, vindicate, doran, lieges...theres so much that has gone into rock decks, there has to be a viable list right now that can come somewhat close...

its not really lazy

i am just in the habit of starting articles and not finishing them...sigh, well tommarow i am going to be cooking the turkey so its going to be articles and hon all morning sooo yeah

its not really lazy

i am just in the habit of starting articles and not finishing them...sigh, well tommarow i am going to be cooking the turkey so its going to be articles and hon all morning sooo yeah

draft to sealed

i have not done a sealed toruny since the release of som and right now am half qworried about the ptq next week. i have done a shit load of drafts since then and i am hoping that the sealed format is no different than drafting, just having cards available to  you instead of actually picking them. the other thing that i am worrying about is getting a shit pool. i am comfortable with myself building a solid deck with a few tools, but what if i get nothing? i dont wanna be forcing  two golden urns and no myrs half a poison deck and a bomb metalcraft deck with nothing to finish with... i think i am a way better magic player that most people i know but the only problem i see there is that i live in the bay area. my store is lsvs store...and that store breeds competition and its very high caliber.but i supose thats not a bad thing...i just hope that sealed isnt much differet than drafting...i think i will write up a report for sixtycards....

Saturday, November 20, 2010

mul daya channlers

pre SoM

4 birds of paradise
4 mul daya channlers
4 oracle of mul daya
4 summoning trap
1 emerkul
1 iona
3 pekkula wurm
1 ob nixilis
1 hellcarver demon
4 overgrown battlement
4 explore
1 ulamog
1 terastadon

this deck was fun before m11 was out. i actually did really well and almost made top 8 and got 4th place. unfortunatly i was freaking out about making the wrong play, misread the card he played and i conceded and got 9th or something...11th? anyways, i did no play testing other than goldfishing and i just kinda went with it. i got a lot of sick plays like a turn 3 summoning trap at the end of your turn and hitting iona against a mono white deck and end turn hitting emerkul with summoning trap and making you sac permaments and hitting for 15. the deck was insane but mostly i got there because of the channelers. the funny thing is that everyone also hating on mul daya channlers but never took the time to actually play and see what it can do. hitting turn 3 with 6 mana is great or putting the beats to your opponent with a 5/5.
on paper the card is at best mediocre, but while actually playing the card is a whole different story. i can really see why jesse thinks the cards is amazing becuase he has actually seen what it can do as for...well fucking everyone else, they can just sit and laugh at this card but in reality, what can you do with an end turn summoning trap? or what are you going to do against a terrastomper with your hand full of silly counter magic? yeah i doubt anyone remember wtf a terrastomper is and its from zendikar, look that shit up, you wont be disappointed.
anyways...yeah mul daya channelers, i have seen her own face and i actually seen what she can do and when the deck she is in is built properly, shes a house and has great all game potential.

Thursday, November 18, 2010


lovin the eh team,givin the shout outs again. i amgonna have to give the cast a few morelistens to give accurate input and what i really like about the show. sucked not having boosh on the last cast, but that was mostly flores fault HAHA,not saying that i dont likehearing what he has to say, becuase everything he says about the game is genius, but boosh is just hella funny. ALSO, mrscottymac, how are you gonna rip up mul daya channelers like that, i fuckin love that card. infact, the next article i write is gonna have it in the list and its actually vital to the deck and i am going to explain why. btw, sorry scott i have been hella busy and i havent started writing the draft, just the outline so far. that it for now, more later gonna have sushi with friends.

 oh wait wait, fuckin i am so pumped for ptq paris in december, i think all the drafting i have done will translate to the sealed and i am hoping to get a sealed in the night before the event

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

sucks that my car is wrecked becuase right now i realyl want to play some irl magic. i am going to crunch down my coating deck into an official naya build and see how that goes. i have a better sideboarding plan and i really wanna check out what the meta is and how right i am about what the current situation of standard is in the area. i am really hoping that soon i will hear something about a car because not having one is killing me/.
supersstars is in san jose and i am in mountain view so getting there is a journey all on its own. not to mention that i had to walk home yesterday and it took an hour and a half...i didnt realize that i had to walk from one town to the was pretty horrible.
i am feeling like i need to do some homework for magic and just find out what cards people are missing from previous sets. see, alot of people dont realize that zendikar block actually still exists...i dont know how people forgot, but only a hand full of cards are actually used from that set...remember convertable turtle? remember smother and obnix? does anyone realize that sphinx of jwar isle is a monster with shroud??? this is the shit i am talking about, then people complain that there are no answers to any of the cards being played.
what happened to the second coming of fish? there is counter magic out there... nobody plays can splash blue titan as a finisher
i have finally gotten bored of drafting. i have drafted so much this week and 3-0 and 2-1 to my hearts content. i did two drafts today and i just didnt care right after the first round leading me to believe that it is time for a break from drafting and i need to try a sealed deck tourney. the last time i did t sealed deck was for the irl prerelease for SOM and i did horrible. but now that i feel like i have a grasp on the limited format, i think i can do much better than i usually would.
I have my PTQ paris in december and i am hoping that i do well and i will be trying out new standard concoctions and just hanging out with people that i know attend. last time there was a whole channelfireball store area for ptq amsterdamn which was actually really cool. i was the largest set of people grouped together in the entire tourney and i was pretty happy alot of the stores members showed up. but this time not only will i be playing supporting the channelfireball store but i will be repping, the site i actually write for. sucks that i probably wont get a shirt to wear to the event and its not looking good for the playmat. i usually hate to bitch to people about stuff like that, but i really want to rep the site other than word of mouth. i love working for and with those guys and i can only get so many people to hear what i have to say about that site, but imma do my damnedest to spread the name, hopefully i will come up with some sort way that people will see that i rep them....
its funny that i write for actually. i love the podcast, the guys on the cast are amazing. Jesse and Scott have been nothing but supportive and have been helpping me get to where i want to be in the game. Jesse and Scott are great guys and if it wasnt for them and how much love and passion they devote to and how much love they have for the game, i might actually be writing for channelfireball instead. i was presented with an opportunity to actually write for them. they have LSV and Brad Nelson and blah blah blah...fucking Matt Nass...yeah that guy...i dont wanna get into it about him. but yeah, i had an opportunity to write for CFB...but then i found and i was like.... i gotta write for these guys, they know whats up. i shared everything i could with everyone i knew about, the ehteam podcasts and the theories that i agreed with and lots of people actually took notice and took the time to listen to what i had to say. knows what the fuck they are talking about, Jesse knows exactly what the fuck he is doing and is so devoted to the game, its incredible. how could i not wanna back this guy up and be a part of his site?
i read a few different sites and they are probably just the same ones everyone else goes to. they go look for their writers skim and just wait for more stuff to come out. If you actually follow @smi77y on twitter, you will see his thought process and latley his dissatisfaction with the Standard environment and how he is trying so many builds to try to break it. the dude is insane on the standard builds and its only a matter of time until he makes a tier defining deck...i mean have you seen GW tokens...

Thursday, November 11, 2010

so i pretty much came up with a list of  dark zoo
4 loam lion
4 goblin guide
4 lightning bolts
3 dark tutaledge
4 birds of paradise
4 vengevine
2 spikeshot elder
4 doom blade
ok well thats all i got its like super half assed but i really think if i put time into it, it should be good. i like the speed of the deck and the fact that everything costs so little makes me not afraid to play dark tutaledge...i cant ever spell that card right. yeah so i can play it and not worry to much. i also considered putting in a pair of inferno titans as a finisher, it can clear the way for my creatures and to get in for lethal late game. i also have the doomblade for to clear the way and lightning bolts to deal finishing damage or own their creatures as well.the only problem is that the creature quality is not very high. the only reason i have birds of paradise is to snatch up vengevine from the grave and play tutalege...or i could even put in the shaman and squaderon hawks and just go from there...hmmm.i dunno.
right now i am considering just running my coating metal deck just R/G and adding more removal and maybe baloths. i even considered making it JUND  coating becuase i have a better removal set up, i can run memoricide, have grave titan or wurmcoil or even inferno titan as a finisher as well. inferno titan is pretty overlooked and right now all the creatures decks are starting to emerge again with vampires, boros,goblins, many out there, inferno titan is the bees knees.
i have also been trying to make necrotic ooze work and i really like the cards that support him work. so far my favorite card he works with is geth... the quality of this post is drifting becuase i am thinking of the two decks so i am going to let it go for now...

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

new zoo

is zoo possible in this stage of the game? using birds of paradise, arbiter, bolts,memnites,ingus, splash black for doom blade and dark tutaledge..
normally i stay away from such build like zoo becuase of that aweful writer that is jeremy fuentes. he used to write for channelfireball until they realized that you can only read so much about how much zoo costs and what it does. but i am going to propose there be a new dark zoo with cheap casting creatures, good spot removal and just a fast pace game... the cards are there and i am going to find them...the deck right now in my mind is like 50 percent possible and i am going to need to do my hw to find the right cards

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

coating 2

starting to think that the  double blue casting cost for jace is actually hurting the deck. considering putting preordain in for digging for morecards. also considering putting in natures claim in for more destroy cards.... also considering using black for kill spells...i am not quite sure what to add yet.... i could also go back to white and  just making better card choices

Monday, November 8, 2010

i am adding blue to the coating deck. so far i have added
3 baby jace
4 mana leak
2 spell pierce

i really think spell pierce is worth running just for the early game. if people payed attention to the late game, they would realize that everyone taps out like its not a big deal if one blue is up. so large casting spells like genesis wave and destructive force are countered late game....also thinking that becuase summoning trap is instant people play it at end of my turn and it will get countered...
i really wanna fit preodain in but i dont know what to cut. definatly not ancient stirring, but i am gonna need draw in the mid to late game.
more later
i am starting to think that i just spend way too much monies on mtg. i love this game and its pretty much on par with the other impor tant things in my life. this last week i think i drafted like six times on mtgo at about fourteen tix per draft so thats about what eighty four bucks...thats alot of monies. and i mean its not like i dont make bread like a baker but geez, its almost like a hundred bucks...i just need to win more and use the winnings to draft more.
on a side note, i want to apologize to smitty for accidentally posting shit to him on was to this chick annnnd i felt like a dumbass after i realized i sent it to you.
any ways its just some short thoughts on what i hope is going to be a string of changes in my life and yeah
thanks for reading

Sunday, November 7, 2010

i apologize for the lack of updates. i have been super busy this last week with trying to =brew up some standard decks,work, i got a new laptop so i am drafting alot on online and i am also trying to draft something up for smi77y at so thats been keeping me pretty occupied. i think tuesday i should be caught up with everything and i should have something for smi77y and for my blog and infact i might have two things for this blog including an update of the coating deck that i want to put up

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Zuckerberg Test

Everyone that watched "The Social Network" will appreciate this post. And for those that dont know, Mark Zuckerber,creator of Facebook, got drunk after being rejected by a so so looking chick and created a site called And on that site he used all the hacked information he gathered from various colleges on in the east coast and compared girls based on looks, kinda like
The way Zuckerburg wrote down notes for the FaceSmash website was in quick, small bursts of notes and thats what i am going to try to replicate here.
I do alot of brainstorming at work and for this particular idea, i ended up with a ton on here we go!

can anyone actually tell my why Kargan dragonlord is priced at what it is? Mono Red hasnt really established itself and he doesnt really fit into a deck...

Why isnt Gaea's revenge seeing more play? there are Ramp decks and Summoning trap decks and there arent any being played main deck from what i can tell...

LOL, Chapin said Wall of Omens was bad, right now i am pretty sure that Wall of Omens is good. Its good becuase everyone took it out of their decks and now decks like goblins are being played and where are the walls now? Now that people have realized that Overgrown Battlement is good(Surprise surprise people), you can now ramp with Battlement and draw a card from Omens...seems good....

People keep saying that WW Quest is bad...why? it requires you to devote your hand to getting Armor, but if you look at whats being played, your more likely to achieve victory than failure. How many ramp decks are there out there? RUG, Eldrazi green,G/w Ramp...seems good. Plus not many people can counter you becuase NOBODY PLAYS SPELL PIERCE.

On that note, why the fuck isnt anyone playing spell pierce? it seems like Myself, Jon Medina(@mtgmetagame) and Mike Flores (@fivewithflores, @floresrewards) are the only people that can appriciate the greatness of that card. if you go to your FNM or play your MTGO dailies, play what ever the fuck deck you want but pay attention to how much you tap out and how often your opponent taps out to play something huge...thing slap yourself in the face for not playing Spell Pierce.

As much as i dont want to say this, but Gerry T is fuckin legit...

Pyromancer Ascension is a great card and has so much potential. why arent people playing this card more and trying more appilcations around the card. Black seems good? Memoricde twice? doomblade twice?? duress, IOK, Smother, Mind rot....the list goes on and on...Grixis Ascension seems good right?

Why dont people try Black and Red? last time i checked the format was kinda slow and red has the best low CC damage spells and black was great with spot removal. Also, the aggro creatures seems really good too. Nantuko shade, Goblin guide, Goblin chieftan,vampire hexmage...what makes the deck some what more interesting becuase of all of the low CC cards is

Dark Tutalege
i think the card is redic! people were really skeptical about it when it came out saying its the next phyrexian arena and not quite BoB, But! it adds the card draw that black lacks so much.And if you combo it with Crystal ball you have got quite the combo there

If people didnt rely on Pros Set reviews, would kuldatha Phoenix and Necrotic Ooze have homes in standard?

Remember when Koth was all the rage...where that deck hes suppost to be owning with?yeah...

Infect seems legit, i am defintaly building it and testing it

Remember smother from onslaught?? does everyone know its been reprinted in worldwake?
Also does everyone remember when they bitched that convertable turtle wasnt printed in Zendikar and finally was in Worldwake...card seems better than in recent memory...

i had one about rock but... i think i am going to keep that one to myself