Thursday, February 24, 2011


4 plague stingers
4 vatmothers
4 phyrexian crusaders
its got the plague myr as well. maybe a 4 of
 fuck...i forgot the entire list...
well its got sledge pistons for sure i think 3
its got adventuring gears as well maybe 2
its got only marsh flats as the fetch
its a mono black build
there were some go for the throats in there but not doom blade

its really fucking good he went 3-1 like i said he did took down 2 valakuts and a BUG build i think it was.
my friend is a really good standard player so its not a throw everything on board and smash.
i dont remember the sideboard at all so your going to have to figure that out that much.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Lol I haven't posted shit in forever and the stats I see are showing. I have just been really busy with work, the girlfriend and her softball and actually getting out there and playing magic. What's annoying isvthat I have an altered juza list that I have been dying to test, and the one fucking time I dint have the deck and I drop by superstars I can't fucking play because the deck is at home.btw if people reading this see shut randomly, it's because my iPhone first recognize shit as a word and auto corrects it. Funny thin Is that it will autocorrect to fivewithflores but not the word shit lol. Anyways back to magic
I have a little somethin somethin on Christian calcanos ub vampires list aka blue blood. I have decided that adding white with stoneforge mystic is sick so the list is esper right now which I think flows really well as buw mana bases are among the best and easiest to handle when dealing with 3color decks. It's just my opinion and I love esper colors.
Speaking of mana base, I am fucking caught on my next article for 60cards that has to do with the way the standard environment has great options for playing land and how important the order of your land drops are. The last time playing land was this important was ravnica.and huzah for my first theory article
At dome point I an hoping to get to play in a larger standard tournament sometime soon. I am getting the itch to play competetive standard
That's it for now hopefully I can go back to frequent blogs and more results for the decks I am playing

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Jon Medina

so a loooooong while ago Jon Medina put up a list that look a little something like this

4 Blight Mamba – The regen on this guy is redic right now.
4 Ichorclaw Mry
4 Necropede
4 Cystbearer -> Stay alive through Burst Lightning and Pyroclasm
4 Putrefax
4 Garruk Wildspeaker
4 Primal Bellow
4 Adventuring Gear
2 Contagion Clasp
2 Explore – Some guy though I was Eldrazi Ramp and didnt fetch his Red. ROFL
4 Misty Rainforest
4 Verdant Catacombs
16 Forest
4 Nature’s Claim
4 Vines of Vastwood
2 Contagion Clasp
2 Brittle Effigy
2 Corpse Cur – This guy gets back Putrefaxes like it’s his Job.
1 Live Wirelash – The damage is done in Poison!
this is the exact list btw. now shortly after that, i put my own cards into it and procceded to take this deck to MTGO and just own players. now its been a few months later and i am looking for a new pet deck to play and i remembered that with MBS bringing a dick load of infect cards, this deck is very much so a possibility. so this evening i have ordered, yet again i use this saying, a dick load of cards to make this deck possible once again.i am a little bit smarter, a little bit more prepared and i am most definatly ready to infect some people. i havent decided if the deck i am going to be playing will be a traditional rock (B/G) or if i am going to go BUG for the proliferation in Thrummingbird. the other solid option is Doran Rock (BGW) using the swords of vengence to get through as well as using cards like bonehoard and sword of Body and Mind, shit like that to get the infect cards stronger and getting more damage through. Doran Rock seems to have a little more umph with the Stoneforge mystics so i am leaning more towards that direction. time will tell when i pick those cards up on monday and start testing.when i reach my decision i will get a list up :}

Saturday, February 19, 2011


So part 2...
you may or may not know that I am on the 25th episode of the Eh team Podcast and I have to say it was a pretty sick experience. I got to cast with @caterography and @metaknightmare of twitter and the three of us make up the B Team, just add that to the list of nicknames I have such as Norn or The Eh Team bodyguard. The Resume is looking good lol. Anyways, the 3 of us got about 15 mins to talk about anything that we wanted to on the cast. I brought up standard and was hoping to talk more about it...the Sean and Zack had other ideas :/
Now for this part of my Post I thought long and hard about what I was going to say. I don’t want to be mean to the other 2 guys or insult them or talk badly about what they wanted to talk about because it was our 15 mins of whatever we wanted to talk about. But what I will say is that I don’t mind much talking about how the magic community and the Eh Team helped you get back in to magic just as long as it doesn’t feel like a lifetime...which It did. I was just looking to talk about something about Standard orrrrrrrr even the Extended, no matter how shitty it has turned since it was shrunk in size. Anyways...i just hoped we talked about something we could all talk about...
As for Zacks idea of talking about past Sets and the favorites...i don’t care for those conversations and I actually find them really boring. Look Invasion was the fucking nuts. Vindicate, Deed, Spiritmonger, Mystic Snake...the list continues of how amazing that set was and how great that T2 environment was, what other set can compare to that other than Ravnica. What conversation needed to come out of that? I do admit that I was interested in what Scotty thought of the question because he has played the longest out of the cast. i wish we would have continued the momentum of talking about standard...
I would like to say that I could have brought a little more to the cast than I did. I should have asked more questions about what KYT and Scotty thought about Standard.(i talk to Jesse way more out of twitter and the cast so I can ship him a list and we can work on that)
it was a good time. I loved being on the cast with the guys, just kinda hanging out talking about stuffs. I hope to do it again with them.

this is the deck I have been working on since I saw Juzas list in Paris

3 Jace Beleren
4 Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas

3 Black Sun Zenith
4 Inquesition of Kozilek
4 Everflowing Chalice
3 Sphere of the suns
3 Ratchet Bomb
1 Mind Slaver

1 Precursor Golem
1 Blightsteel Colossus
1 Battlesphere Myr
4 Phyrexian Revoker
4 Kuldotha Forgemaster

4 Tectonic Edge
2 Marsh Flats
2 Scalding Tarns
3 Swamp
3 Island
2 Inkmoth Nexus
4 Darkslick Shores
4 Drowned Catacombs

the sideboard is still underworks so I am not going to post it.i also played against boros and its pretty solid. I think I dropped 1 game against it. He had me down to 3 and I Tezzereted him to death he was pretty close to 20.the deck works and I am considering adding Steel hellkite to the side to combat the aggro decks. More to come out of the testing I hope to be doing this week at the standard events at Superstars.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

this is the Eh Team Podcast i was on last was a good time we talked stadard, Paris and a bunch of other random things enjoy

Tuesday, February 15, 2011
this was when i was in the week in magic on its for the write up i did for with WU spiritdancer. the event wasnt the most sucessful as far as the playing, but i got to meet a lot of cool people, people know who i was and i got to have joey( from the taps crew, sign my fuckin play mat :] really nice guy. i also had inkwell looter( draw something on the mat as well, also nice guy.

part 1

MBS has hit and I have been building ever since the full set was released. So many cards that have to possibility to warp standard right now and I am pretty excited about it. I can already see it taking effect in the meta at my store and as much as I hate to see the decks that most people are playing, its only going to drive to me make a better deck. And that better deck is's Martin Juza's Kuldotha Forgemaster deck that he ran in Paris this weekend.
This deck is probably the deck I have been most excited to play in a long time because not only did it do really really well(5-0) but I have the fucking deck 95 percent complete. The only problem...fucking jace but! I think have the replacement for him and it should do fine. Right now I just have sea gate oracles as a replacement but I think that just going with baby jace is the right idea. One of my friends is actually playing with an interesting piece of tech and that is to run the 3 spine of ish sha and because you mana accelerate so fast and so high, you have no problem ramping into them. One ramped in to them, you sacrifice them to the forgemaster instead of your signets so that you recast them from your hand and the Spines return from the grave to your hand. The cycle seems vicious but its so mana intensive I can defiantly see it not working. On the other hand, getting this to work might actually be really beneficial as vindicates are pretty good last I checked.
There is one thing that didn’t like about juzas deck and that is that it doesn’t play counters in the main....none. No spell pierce, no mana leak nothing, no fuel for the cause, nothing. I don’t really see how your suppose to protect yourself from a Green artifact wrath or other counters to stop you from comboing off. the current build I have now has spell pierce in the main and I feel that it is right to have that in the deck. Its a UB build, how could you not have counters.
There is one care that is really catching my eye right now and that is Decimator Web...not quite sure why it is, but I feel like the 4 mana you invest to activate it, you get so much value out of it. The best part I feel is either the poison counter that is added or the top 6 that is milled from the top. The milling effect ruins any kind of strategy applied by jace's brainstorm ability and also removes threats from their library..durr. Although many people will turn their heads away from this card mostly because it is a mill card, the fact that it only costs 4 and its ability also costs 4 seems to be worth the cost from mid game to late game. Also, with a deck like juza's you have plenty of mana early in the game so that this cost is almost nothing.
The other deck that I have been heavily fiddling around with is MBC. I let my friend play it against me with my UW control deck at the time and he got me a few times. It defiantly can survive when the going gets tough. And phyrexian rager is definitely a card people are overlooking and I think it has so much potential. The scary part of the testing was when he got a massacre wurm In the fucking mimic vat... the deck is still on the table and I am still putting a lot of thought and multiple builds together.

My problem lately is that I keep trying to ruin the two decks that I actually have put together, Juzas Tezz deck and CawGo. Take look

2 elspeth
3 Baby Jace
4 Tezz

4 chalice
3 suns sphere
2 DoJ

1 mindslaver
2 phyrexian Revoker
3 kuldotha forgemaster
1 blightsteel colossus
1 Battlesphere Myr
2 stoneforge mystic
1 sword of body and mind
1 bonehoard
1 sword of vengeance

for some reason I just really wanna fit in white,but I know that it wont work. Black Sun is just way better in DoJ so you could just run the set instead of a split between the two. Also you don’t kill your artifacts that are now 5/5's thanks to tezzeret. It real reason that I want to fit in white is not just for the Mystic and Elspeth, but because the sideboard has so much artifact removal and that sun titan brings back so much when you sacrifice for the forgemaster. You actually get Exile target artifact from white so you don’t have to worry about indestructible creatures.
I dont really know why I keep going back to esper, but I do. I guess I just like the color combination and what it has to offer. It plays the cards that I like to play. Although my friend has heard there is an Esper control deck that is being tested and played, so I have been on the look out for that.

Hmmm I think I will do two parts of this. The second one will come out when the Eh Team podcast is up, number 25 :D there are some things I want to say about it, so I will wait to write that one after I hear it

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Aewww shiiiiet, I have been so involved with testing my tezzeret deck that I have neglected my blog. Sorry people but I am trying to get a lot of content for 60cards so I need to have a contending deck luckily I have every card for the forgemaster deck that juza played in paris, minus the jaces. But hey, thats a ton of other people as well... More later and I will share the decks that I built this last week and what what happened on Thursday :)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

quickly i want to thank Frank Lepore of TCGplayer for his mana base for the BUW tezzy build. its pretty solid and its the base i have been looking for for my control build. thanks Frank :]

also, where is the fucking Paris build up and articles? we have giullume vs nelson but wheres the hot new tech and what are people brewing after the release of MBS. i wanna see some fucking Tezz decks pros! come on!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

CFB cast pffft

Now that I feel like am armed with enough information to put some posts up, lets start with the Channel Fireball podcast that’s went out this week. Now Podcasts have grown to great popularity in the last 6 months and everyone and their mothers think that they can cast and have it be successful. The most notable casts are MNM, YoMTGTaps, The Eh Team and I hear so much about Mana Screwed and Limited resources being legit casts. I haven’t actually listened to the cast but I hear so much about them, I might actually give a few episodes a listen. Now Channel Fireball sponsored the Eh Team podcast for about 10 episodes and for some stupid reason, they decided not to continue to sponsor them. I guess cutting ties with a podcast that is growing in popularity is a good idea. And currently they are sponsoring MNM, which is fucking boring and has been around for 200+ episodes. And last week the Channel Fireball team decided to put out their own Podcast...fantastic.
Now let me jump aside from this really quickly and just let you, the reader, know that I have completely put my feelings aside for the CFB site and whats happened in the last few months aside and gave it my best to give an honest review of this cast and what it actually brings to the table. I have looked at it from the perspective that I just want people to hear the best and learn and gather as much valuable information from a cast.
OK so back to this opinion of the cast. What I find interesting is that this cast is basically just TSG and some other guy talking about the articles that CFB put out this week and not really highlighting the strengths of the articles, just kinda letting people know they are out there and what they are about. If your going to do a recap of the whats on the site, make me want to go read the article, don’t just let me know its there. As a magic player I am going to know whats out there because I already have the sites I go to every night to check the updates and whats new as far as articles. Your job as the person recapping whats on the site is to keep me on the site and make me want to read what your pros have to offer on the site, not just that nakamura wrote and article on Duress vs IoK and that it was good.
TSG mentions several times that he has good opinions about the financial side of magic...sure... and then offers the listener a few tips about what cards to pick up during the prerelease.they get around to how they are teaming up with Mtg cast to do...something with MNM and then TSG talks about how he does MED4 drafts and Ochoa and LSV laugh at him.
Anyways its pretty awful. In no way shape or form does this cast offer humor like the others. Its seems like a bunch of scrounged up ideas thrown out on a piece of paper and Is just out there to be part of the podcast world.
If you want to know what I think this is personally...i think is a piece of shit. This cast wont last long out in the fierce competitive jungle that is the podcast world. Everyone wants to make their make and be the next being YoMTGTaps crew or The Eh team, a funny, diverse and relevant cast that will keep you engaged. The Channel Fireball cast is just another something where TSG likes to talk and hear his own voice. Although I did like The Beme on the show :] other than that, it fucking sucks. If LSV is too busy to do something like this, just have him do a recording and have him ship it to CFB and that can be the cast.
Whats funny is that I go to the comments section about this cast and it gets praise and I kinda wish I saw what they saw. But then again it could just be people holding CFB's D in their hands.

Dunno how but I forgot to mention Top 8 Magic cast...hands down the BEST cast out there...then the eh team then taps :]