Sunday, February 7, 2016

Heeeeeey pro tour oath of the gatewatch

How exciting was this pro tour eh? LSV made the top eight! Frank Lepore crushed his way to the top 8( it was a close one) a new challenger and his variety of friends have taken the field and completely dominated the modern format(for now at least) but its OK everyone eye of ugin will be banned in a few months and everything will go back to normal, right?
Wrong! To have an opinion such as that is very foolish and I don't think you understand how things work. Yeah eldrazi was the grand champion and tool the field by storm but it wasn't the only deck played with a sprinkle of other decks here and there. If you really think about it, face to face games, CFB and east yo west bowl are huge teams and they did excetionaly well durmg the tournament, its clear that face to face carried the erhem... Mutherfuckinshiiiiiiiet out of CFB by sharing the deck with them, and east and west had several different pilots on different variations of eldrazi.
Let's talk about why people may want to ban eye of ugin. Yeah the card is an ancient tomb with zero draw back and even taps for black mana when tomb hits play. But why ban it? Well I can't have one now, it's a million dollars and that's not OK because people have it and I want it. Yeah I am sure a lot of people feel that way. Friday morning before coverage I had eyes in my shopping not on mtgo and decided I want to go into standard instead. They were around ten at that point and I'm sure they are much more now. Ban because I can't think outside the box! Yes magic players are horrendous complainers and are so good at netdecking and not doing work to try to break the meta. They pretty much rely on event results and just copy those decks and when they are caught off gaurd because they can't buy the new hotness its time to ban that shit so they don't have to adapt to the new hotness.  Yeah right now eldrazi temple and eye of ugin are great but what happens when people want to try to beat those decks and want to try new things? Oh my oh my where will we be.
They are still sad because twin is banned and eldrazi dominated this event... Yeah I mean magic players are salty as fuck so I can see this being a legit factor. My twitter feed and the chat seem to support me on this
       Now I am sure you are saying "oh em gee WillieG, you master brewer and all around awesome guy, what the effffff dew I deeeeeeeeew!?" * sad face emoji. Well there were and are a few things you could have done. 1st you should have read my blog a few weeks ago on how modern will now be a game of mana resources and that you should prepare for an eldrazi deck. If you didn't then shame on you. Mana bases are super critical to making a top tier With out the essential lands in play to play whatever you want when you want, decks fall apart and that's no different for these eldrazi decks. You take away eyes and temples with cards like...
SPREADING FUCKING SEAS LIKE I SAID LAST WEEK and you stop them from progressing and dominating the board. Even better is that there is a one mana version that costs a single blue  and doesn't draw you a card but I tell ya what, I'd rather have an answer to a turn 1 temple then not.
I noticed something interesting during the top 8 this morning and that that nobody had path to exile. Yeah they have what...2 wastes in the deck? Path removes every threat with zero effort and low loss. So yeah I am thinking path to exile, kinda good. Kinda reeeeeally good.
I asked MTG goldfish badass and all around super nice guy @safferonolive about the troll worship deck he build a few weeks ago and that seems really solid. Eldrazi decks play very very very low amounts of spells and removal so assembling the combo would be no issue at all.
Oh geez almost at my stop. Uhhh check out my post from a few weeks ago, I talk about this stuff and what you can do about it. Until next time, stop bitching and start brewing lolololol ahh taps. Go panthers!

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Ooooh ooooh look, he's written!

Don't wanna run out of time like last time so I'm going to get right to it.
Spreading seas!
I love this card. Overall I am a huge fan of blue non red control decks. Sooo bant, esper, uw, UB, decks and with every base of a control deck, I start with spreading seas.
Mana bases are huuuuuge in modern and it never changes and with the super fast eldrazi deck, that statement holds lots of water. 3 or more color decks rely on being able to fetch up the exact mana they need and when they need that double green for eternal witness or they are hoping to play orzhov pontiff, they cant because you lock them out of a color. Now imagine shoving them completly out of green or shoving red right out of What do they have now? Nothing, zero,Nada, ziiiiip. They are now looking to top deck that temple garden for their knight of the reliquary or  looking for their 3rd red for kiki jiki, you can't chord for that shit sucka.
And I am sure you are asking, willieg, my nigga, why not use the one mana land hosers instead? Well good sir or Madame, its because spreading seas draws you a card and in blue based decks, drawing cards only let's you go deeper into what you need to control the mid to late game. A great situation of spreading seas with two mana up and you draw a remand. Shit, now you are denying them mana, drawing a card and now you have a counter spell that draws you a card and shuts off a key play for their turn while drawing a card. MYGODTHEFUCKINGVALUE. Spreading seas,just do it
The eldrazi deck!
I wqs a huge fan of just banning eldrazi temple before the twin ban. I had been grinding mtgo in modern and holy shit, playing against that deck was rather tough. Being able to temple into map into temple or ugin then turn three drop oblivion sower is powerful. With the UB version you could turn 1 temple map,turn 2 tomb into heartless summoning turn 3 UB land sire of stagnation watch tears from opponents eyes. I mean I had fun doing that you could play other stuff lol. Its a powerful deck and having access to thoughtseize and IoK puts it ahead of so man other decks in the first two turns. I  hoping to see this deck at the pt...and then lose In the top 8 so it doesn't get banned
 Oath of Nissa and sire of stagnation
I love sire and as I mentioned before, I think he's very powerful in a UB eldrazi deck. Not so much in standard unless there is a UB control deck that can ramp him out sooner. Standard is an aggressive creature format right now so a turn 6 creature that benefits from your opp...
Had to stop writing because of a bomb threat on my train and in my cabin. Guess I'll finish with a part three. Thanks for reading