Monday, January 25, 2016

Hello again. If you are reading this, that means I am on the train home from my girlfriends place so I have about 45mins to write down a few things about magic the gathering.
So! Since last time I wrote some stuff down, several land important cards have gone up in price. Fulminator mage, flagstones and most Importantly, crucible of worlds. Huzzaaaah add another to the list. Without going into too much detail, crucible is Important because of the tech edges, ghost quarters and boom busts going around on mtgo ATM. Crucible being colorless allows every deck with and Important mana base recover very nicely. Honestly, I just like being right about calls but only time will tell and the pt will confirm if I was wrong or not.
So there are a few things I want to touch on in standard and modern.I love modern and I am always trying to figure out what I can do with such a large card pool. Standard is OK and ATM you cab play whatever you want so I'll probably so more standard stuff when the next set rotates to make room for the new one. But while I am mentioning standard I did see a deck with herald of the pantheon and the oaths which I thought was really cool. Its cute but not good enough for the standard meta imo. You are either gonna a get pooped on by large creatures or quickly take apart by red based aggro decks. Anyways standard, that's a thing, little disappointed by the lack of innovation at the latest scg event but I guess safe gets you wins.  I was very happy to see world breaker being played. Chaining them seems ridiculous
So I'm gonna mention a few things I love about modern. Decks and cards that don't get enough love
UW control
I love this deck in modern. I am sure there is a list out there that splashes red for bolt and kerenos and other stuff but I'm talking about plain solid uw control. Cards like spreading seas, secure the wastes, Casino Royale villain jace, Gideons, new jace, sphinxs revelation? Yeeeah! Logic knots!! Yeeeah!!!..wait what? Yeah logic knots. Counter spell with delve, nice art. Last year I heard wrapter and matt bass talking about if logic knot was going to make the cut in a uw(r?) control deck that was being created and it was 50/50. So I go online test out a uw control deck with the knots and its awesome, its great and its never seen coming. Sure it could be a remand with two mana left up or a negate but I'm playing a tasigur so it wont matter except it doesn't matter what it is, because it's now countered by logic knot. I played the full four but I think where you want to be with that is 2-3 max. I also mentioned Sphinx's revelation and that card is still a house, it gets countered you are fine eot if it doesn't, you are now very far ahead and potentially back in the game again. Yes, modern is a very fast format with powerful things going on, so you will need to actually play a control game and not just try to win asap. My finisher of choice is Gideon, consecrated sphinx and secure the wastes.
Oh man! I'm not gonna finish! Guess I'll have to finish up next time. Really quick before I take off, I have been thinking and oath of nissa seems very powerful. Trickbind is superb with he testing I have been doing in my endless whispers/phage deck. Gah! I'll finish next time, thanks for reading even if it was rambling about uw control.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

So bannings... Those happened and I guess 1 of 2 is kind of surprising. If you would have asked me last year if I thought twin was making modern less fun, I would have agreed with you. But in the recent months, twin hasn't really been a problem. Yeah it does great at events with the right pilot, it plays very strong cards on top of having a combo and unless you are playing a top tier deck, its hard to beat. While twin is annoying, bloom might be the best at being a pain in the ass or was the best. Being able to win on turn two is kind of shitty and there are so many cards that thrust you into being able to win by turn three it was bound to get banned out. I don't have many opinions on the bannings. Great for getting rid of a degenerate turn two kill but twin probably could have hung out for a while, it was oppressing the format as much as it was  six to eight months ago.
For me, the issue is that nothing was unbanned, what's up with that? Enough strong cards have emerged and lots of decks have changed the way modern is played that unbanning powerful cards seems OK. I'm not saying "hey! You should unban hypergenesis! I know I wooould" but sword of the meek or stoneforge seem really OK. As for the case for stoneforge, what creatures with butts smaller than 4 live past the turn they are played? Very few and in fact turn three has lots of powerful things going on that getting a sword or batterskull doesn't seem that powerful right now. I'm also in the camp that thinks unbanning jace and bloodbraid would totally be fine. Yes powerful cards. Yes blue MIGHT get played more (UB faeries :3) and Jund might become a tier one deck again if it wasn't for 1 big issue for both cards. The main issue is that a 4cc in modern is a lot. Scapeshift, goryos vengeance and eldrazi decks are very powerful and are at their peak at around turns 3-4, so does a single cascade or a single brainstorm really make that difference If you are staring down eldrazi or you are facing down an online pyromancers Ascension? I'll leave it at that.
 One more thing before I get off my train. In the last few days, there have been a lot of decks that control mana bases. Hate bears, boombust,rain of years in eldrazi decks, spreading seas in more blue decks, ghost quarters, fulminator mages. Lots of those have been floating around in the games I have been playing and while I agreed that a B/x eldrazi varient is possibly the culprit, it looks like the future of modern will be a fight to control resources. I feel crucible of worlds might be important at some point, it really depends of the PT. Also, hands down I think the eldrazi is the strongest deck out there. Its fast and powerful. Hoping sire of stagnation works out in that deck: 3
Oh! And blood moons and Magus of the moons. Every online and very very powerful
Thanks for reading :3