Thursday, January 6, 2011


First and foremost I want to thank you. You see today I thought was going to be a boring day that I have off from work.then around 7am I awoke to find that someone had been talking about the podcast that I love and adore and about the people that write for, Naturally I am excited to see what people have said on twitter about this subject and from what I got out of all of the conversations its just people saying how retarded this guy is and them laughing at this...well this bitchfest.
First off you obv didn’t really listen to what your father had told you when you were growing up because if you did then you would have hear him tell you to shut the fuck up or hes going to hit you against clearly missed this lesson in life or you have completely repressed that saying from him because this entire article or whatever you want to call it is nothing than a bitchfest
Yes, a bitchfest, because from the moment you mentioned how an opponent used whitesun's passage I knew I was going to be wasting my time reading your shit. Obv we have all played on MTGO and yes its very apparent that there are noobs online or people that don’t know how to play properly. Well its apparent to everyone but you it seems. Whats disgusting about this is that you basically bash someone that clearly doesn’t know how to play the game or isn’t sure how to go about playing against poison. And whats even more disgusting about this opening complaint is that you put this at the beginning of your bitchfest...article, whatever you wanna call it. You’d think that you would want to put this somewhere else other than the begging to make people want to read this and not assume that its a child with downs that stole your computer and accidentally posted something about magic.
LOL opponents draw Phase stop complaint...i am not even going to touch on that other than say lets move on with the bitchfest.
Now about the player rewards... where the hell have you been that for two months or so that his has happened that you have barely decided to say something about this? Look people love the decision, they hate it or they don’t care and now your pointing out that people bitch about curse of wizardry? Let me suggest that you get out from under that rock you live under and start keeping up with times broseph. You could have said something a while ago and now you just sound like a whiny little girl. Let us continue with he bitchfest!
The Saito issue is the only point that I will agree with you on, hes a cheater and should have been punished along time ago
at this point in your complaint filled bitchfest, I am reading this whole argument on the reprint policy and I have to ask you, did you just find things to complain about? Because this policy has been talked about for a long time...long long time and I don’t see why you would bring this up. Did Aunt Flow pay you a visit this month or something? I have a blog and I bitch too but man this was like hey what can I have a tantrum about and put on my site hmm, oh I know let me dream that one day those cards that sit in binders or deck boxes and sleeves will get played again. Oh wait they wont and that makes me angry let me rant about it on the site I write for :]
lol you opened packs to get playsets for things? Are you retarded? Why would you do that, just buy the singles dumb dumb.i read this part of your bitchfest and I was depressed for you. The fact that you spend so much time opening those packs thinking you were going to get playsets of everything was so sad.i can understand using them for drafts but then you don’t want to get beat by someone using life gain cards while your using poison. I would hate to see another bitchfest article the day that happens.
And now we get to what really inspired this post, lol. Wizards didn’t just shaft this cruise, they took a chapter out of your childhood, took everyone out to the woodshed and raped each person repeatedly. Not only was this entire cruise one of he most frustrating things I have ever heard of, but the customer service that was given to the people that had to deal with his entire change up was complete shit. If your a customer service rep, you do everything you can to make your customers happy. I am not saying hey build me a new boat or make the parts magically appear but at least assure your customers that they are going to be taken care of and that they as a company are doing everything they can to make this an easy transition. Let me switch gears here and touch on the boat replacement issue and ask you if your retarded? OK now if there is something that costs so much and people are putting so much of their time and money into this kind of vacation, don’t you think that there would be a back up plan in case something like this should happen? Do you really think that asking if there was another boat ready to take these people on that same cruise would be such a stretch? Like use your brain man, its a legit response and a legit request. But instead they find another boat several states over for something completely different.
All of the “highlights” of that cast are completely legit and I don’t see why you think what their saying wasn’t warranted. They have a right to be angry about how they were being treated. I am sure if Jayboosh being treated in the correct manner he wouldn’t have ranted about how shitty the service was. And for you to assume that they want magic to solve everything is ignorant.

Podcasters and writers, think about what you say / write before you publish it. Ranting is fun and all, but your actions can have consequences.”
maybe you should follow your own advice so you don’t sound like a retard next time
have a nice day and thanks for making my morning an interesting one


  1. nicely done Willie. Love that you have our back. I've got yours.

  2. there is so much sexist/ableist/violent and downright offensive language in this. seriously you don't like the article or what the guy said, fine but why just write an immature hate-filled vile response which doesn't really say anything? grow up, act and speak like an adult and people might take what you have to say with some value, or don't. but at least try to cut out all the b*tch/r*tard nonsense so you don't just sound like a privileged white dude.

  3. Hahahaah bro, nobody made you read this. Also, there is sexist language in this? Lol In no way am I privileged white dude, broseph. But the fact that he wrote some shit article just so he could end it with a rant about how the cast that I fucking listen to and respect shouldn't be complaining about how a cruise they put their time and money into and how they weren't being fair to the people involved is a crock of shit. This jahn guy went on some bitchefest rant, just like you are might I add, just to slam these guys. If you even had the slightest dfuckin idea of what they had to deal with, then you would understand,. But because your some piece of shit troll that feels the need to tell me that my post was mean and he didn't deserve can shove it up your ass bro. I wrote the mother fucker don't you think I know how fucked up it was? This guy had no right to call out the eh team like he did. They are human like everyone else and I amsure people that experienced this same disappointment felt exactly like they did. The only difference is that the eh team can pubilically come out and say it.
    Also if you don't want to read that kind of shit then fucking don't man. Sure I am going to swear and bitch, everyone does it. But for you to come here an call me out, fuck you dude, your nobody to tell me to grow up and act like an adult. If you don't like this shit, go the fuck somewhwee else cuZ I don't want your bitch ass here anyways
