Sunday, January 16, 2011

Brad Nelson

Brad Nelson is now part of the SCG family and to be honest it doesnt really surprise me. Its got the best writers in Gerry Thompson, Mike Flores, Brian Kibler, Patrick Chapin, the list can go on and on and now they have Brad Nelson. Its currently holding the largest events next to PTQs and GPs and giving the most cash prizes and has the most running events in a single weekend. its All over the US so if your on the East coast/ Midwest then your going to be able to get there, sucks for us West Coasters. Overall the Site, what its doing and what they are paying is much higher than what CFB is actually giving. 
if you look at CFB you can see that the writing staff isnt that great right now. you have Wrapter, Ochoa, LSV, Brad Nelson and PVDDR. you can see that the Events arent spread out in several areas and in fact do not leave the Bay Area other than to go to set up booths at WOTC sponsered events with Sales tables. the pay outs for the CFB arent close to the ones at SCG and it just seems that SCG is growing and they ended the year of 2010 with winners and are starting the year of 2011 off right and having more locations and more of a winning staff. I am not sure if many people know this, but at one point Gerry Thompson actually wrote for CFB and left them to write for SCG.
i have been saying for a long time that the article quality of CFB had started to lack severely and that the site and its group has started to go nowhere and all the while SCG is gaining the advantage in the best site for content. now i can defintely say that SCG articles arent always the best but they still offer more information that the ones at CFB.
i love CFB and have been with the store for a long time, i just wish they were back to where they wanted to be better than SCG and were trying to be a competetor as far as content and their players go...

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